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We purchased another car C180 after the estate was declared as a write off as memsahib is only just 5 foot tall,the seat wold not slide forward far enough to reach the foot peddles,and so she was not able to drive without cushions to prop her forward, so as I tried to slide the seat it just would not move,so as there is also slight movement on the steering as well I decided to run the car to an indi agent,advised the seat removed and found no problem, seat now in position to slide forward so all ok,advised the the steering problem was a part that needs replacing,(looks like an oblong block that the steering column runs through) situated just under the steering wheel, advised the cost to re`place this part close to £800.so here is the bottom line, what would you expect to pay per hour for fixing the seat runners, and checking the steering, as I was told the time spent was one and half hours