I think, perhaps I might not be opening my mind to a worst case scenario that that perhaps you are all seeing.
This of course could be many scenarios, late home for dinner, seen talking to a colleague in a pub after work, perhaps even unfaithful in a not very long term relationship. No, none of those deserved this.
So the only worst case scenario I can think of is married man, long term marriage lets say 10 years+, children, another baby on the way etc etc, has been found unfaithful, not a once off, been going on for 6 months+ aboslute no doubnt about it, perhaps even an admission from him to avoid doubt.
If this marriage had anything, the loss this guy feels, the hurts he goes through, is surely that his married home life is gone or at least never the same again. YES he caused it all, but we all know the excitemnt and buzz suddenly comes to a heart stopping crunch. We've seen the films, tv and read the books.
Does the writing on the car car hurt him more? Not if he had anything to worry about loosing.
Do I think it understandable in this wild and extreme scenario? No.
So maybe I am cold, or maybe I just have more respect for self control and not damaging others property in a mailicious way.