MB Enthusiast
Do steamers work on getting the 'leather' (aka plastic...) cracks / creases clean? y'know - the texture bit of the dash etc? Any difference for the average joe from the 30 quid silverline things to the 100 quid karcher? any tips on what to look for?
PO (aka f*ckwit) also used a pair of flat screwdrivers to remove the instruments (and subsequently remove the airbag light bulb.... :fail ) and has left two significant dents in the dash. Is there any way of smoothing it? Its like the plastic leather cover is stretched a touch and looks like a just burst blister
PO (aka f*ckwit) also used a pair of flat screwdrivers to remove the instruments (and subsequently remove the airbag light bulb.... :fail ) and has left two significant dents in the dash. Is there any way of smoothing it? Its like the plastic leather cover is stretched a touch and looks like a just burst blister