<div class="bbWrapper"><blockquote data-attributes="member: 17536" data-quote="alabbasi" data-source="post: 3247650"
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<a href="/goto/post?id=3247650"
data-content-selector="#post-3247650">alabbasi said:</a>
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In fairness, if you're suggesting that if they didn't oppose then they supported, that would be incorrect to assume. Only 1.2m people voted for Khan, would that mean the remaining 7.7m opposed him?<br />
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The nudge is not necessary, MOT takes most of those cars off the road and if the goal was to prevent pollution, a usage tax is more appropriate. In fact the most environmentally friendly think you can do is keep your car longer, and repair it with recycled parts as manufacturing has a big environmental impact.
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</blockquote>Keeping older cars going maybe environmentally friendly in some respects but has nothing to do with localised air pollution.<br />
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There is a lot of misunderstanding with this it seems.<br />
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My comments regarding the consultation are that there’s always some feedback/campaign/petition organised by those who have a vested interest.<br />
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The honest truth is the majority of people aren’t particularly interested in stuff like this (why would they be when most cars are already compliant and not everyone drives anyway?)<br />
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Inevitably there will be some objection and a bit of media interest but it will go ahead regardless of what people on here might think!</div>