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Paul Grainger

Active Member
Dec 15, 2002
SL55, Porsche 996 C2 convertible
Does anybody have a 'Tracker' fitted?

What does it look like ?(assuming you found where it was installed...)

When recently removing near side front internal trim to get access to my phone control unit, I found a hidden box, approx 7" x 2" x 1" with a piggy-back chamber containing a rechargeable battery. The unit is made by motorola, and has only about three wires, two of which are supply and ground. The unit is not original an original MB item - the installation standard is OK but certainly not OEM.

The unit is not in any way connected to my phone or audio system.

After much puzzlement I am now wondering if this is a Tracker unit. There was no Tracker paperwork with the car when I purchased it (used), but I am considering paying the £100 (approx) annual charge to get the unit working and registered to me (if, of course, it is in fact a Tracker).

Can anyone offer any ideas, or any comments about Tracker generally?

Paul G
Its not an e-net compensator for your phone is it . . . maybe used by a previous owner ?

No idea what a tracker looks like !

Here is a tracker on ebay at the moment if you dont know what they look like.


I have a tracking device fitted to my car, never had and "touch wood" will never need to use their service.

Like Airbags.. Tracking devices are something that are worth having but you hope you will never have to use them.

Thanks Spike - That's definitely it.
I think that I will contact my local agent (?) on Monday to find out out to get it working (?) and registered to me.

I wonder if it might reduce my insurance premium?

Paul G
If it is a Tracker I am surprised that you found it so easily. I thought they were supposed to be in such a place as they would be hard to find and/or difficult to remove.

I recently saw one being fitted to a Cobra, and the guy had most of the interior out so that he could fit it, where it could not easily be got at.
It was actually quite well hidden. There is a nice little compartment on the CLK that can only be accessed by removing all of the passenger side internal trim (including sill guard, all plastic bits, carpet, insulation etc) - even then there is a cover that has to be removed using a 10mm nut-runner. This compartment contains an ECU - but there is more room that can be used if necessary. In my car this compartment also contains my Ericcson phone control unit (too bad I can't afford to integrate phone with my Comand) plus what I now know to be a Tracker unit.

There aren't that many places where such a unit could go, really.

Paul G
Originally posted by Paul Grainger
It was actually quite well hidden. There is a nice little compartment on the CLK that can only be accessed by removing all of the passenger side internal trim (including sill guard, all plastic bits, carpet, insulation etc) - even then there is a cover that has to be removed using a 10mm nut-runner. This compartment contains an ECU - but there is more room that can be used if necessary. In my car this compartment also contains my Ericcson phone control unit (too bad I can't afford to integrate phone with my Comand) plus what I now know to be a Tracker unit.

There aren't that many places where such a unit could go, really.

Paul G

Its on the W202 and W203 too :) its quite handy for hiding control modules for things :)
PAUL,ref yourTracker-i have one fitted to my CLK but as Jimmy says they are well hidden.Their customer services number is 01895 811 989.Depending on how long ago it was installed they may also want to change the battery-they have a service life after which they need changing and charge a "re-activation/service"fee.Some insurers give a 5-12% discount but unless youre paying hefty premiums its unlikely to be cost effective-peace of mind and getting the car back are the point of these things.
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Direct Line wouldn`t insure my `99 clk 230 as it didn`t have a tracking device fitted
(comp, kept on drive, 4 yrs NCD, West Mids) when I phoned them last week.
If you phone Tracker and give them your VIN they will be able to tell you whether you have a tracker fitted and what type it is.
Originally posted by simonl
If you phone Tracker and give them your VIN they will be able to tell you whether you have a tracker fitted and what type it is.

That must be quite handy if youve just nicked a car :)
Originally posted by Brian WH
You would think like that where you live mate.:D :D :D LOL

Ive got an order just now actually , is it regular or nappa leather in your car brian :p :D
Originally posted by fuzzer
Ive got an order just now actually , is it regular or nappa leather in your car brian :p :D

Never you mind mate.:D :D

Behave or I'll send the boys round.:rock: :rock:
Originally posted by Brian WH
Never you mind mate.:D :D

Behave or I'll send the boys round.:rock: :rock:


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