I had the inside of the doors treated with an anti rusting type wax and i used the same product in the 2 air intakes just in front of the wind screen.I should have done the bottom of the 2 pillars as well as a blocked sunroof will leak water which often ends up there.
Underneath, i had it sprayed with some sort of underseal.
It ended up being a bigger job that I was expecting, mostly because of the bad dipping and having to move the car to the 2nd garage.Parts were lost during the move.The donor car was the only sensible way to finish it.
I am glad i did it actually although it took for ever.Yes, it has new panels and extensive repairs so, not the most original car but I get to drive it in the countryside and enjoy it. It is my only car so it will be used.
I still need a new dashboard and few other bits and bobs but I can do that another time.