Bought another motor / reg assembly off ebay. Just turned up. Thought id check if it works first. Undone the switch block, took motor wires out, new ones in. Nothing.
I've seen the term but I always thought it referred to the new look 124s that were launched in 1993/4. Not so?
Why do I ask? Because I've always thought of my 1991 300CE-24 being pre-facelift. And it does have the comfort/convenience module under the back left hand seat.
I've seen the term but I always thought it referred to the new look 124s that were launched in 1993/4. Not so?
Why do I ask? Because I've always thought of my 1991 300CE-24 being pre-facelift. And it does have the comfort/convenience module under the back left hand seat.
Interesting question. I always thought there were 2 facelifts. The first when the Sacco panels were added in around 1990 and then again when the bonnet/grille and a few other bits were changed around 1993. Our old 1990 300e-24 saloon had the comfort module
Yes it will work one way .Then remove polarity to work it the other way .The regultor will only come out of the door when the window is in the up possition .Scotch the window with a couple of pieces of wood to hold it up. Mark all the nuts and bolts in the door so you know how to fit them back .Take pictures with a camera.. And dont lock up the nuts and bolts tight to start with , this will let it centre itself. And main thing is mind you hands on doing it. You could take battery leads off to make it safe ..