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W124 with m104, no power at all adove 6k

You have 2 large relays there. One is the large MAS relay [ has multiple functions including a fuel pump relay function] associated with the 5 speed box and the other I don't recognise. Your lack of power and 5th gear change problem could be associated with this MAS unit? Deffo worth trying a swap if you can get a hold of one to try as an experiment . They are rare and expensive to purchase new.
ps do a forum search on MAS relay quite a lot of info there

just a couple of examples http://www.mbclub.co.uk/forums/1314290-post8.html


this issue is poorly documented by MB but might solve both problems if you get the correct relay?
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^^ i've got a vague recollection that the fuel pump relay effects the rpm the engine will pull/includes a rev limiter and there's various different ones.

Sorry, just realised Grober included a link that mentioned exactly that :doh:
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i have the:

011 545 83 32
M104 MAS
05370043 [01]

Depends on the year...I believe up until a transition point in 1990 ( possibly 1992 dependent on country ) the CIS-E engines used the smaller separate fuel pump relay.
The later M103 and M104 used the combined MAS engine systems control unit which incorporated the FPR, KLIMA, etc....

My comment was based on an earlier post that the vehicle may have an early M103-12V style FPR...:thumb:

You sure?

The LH one is from an H reg 300CE-24, the RH one, MB part # 003 545 24 05, from a G reg 190E 2.6.

The same as spoken on the thread you linked.

Edit: i haven't rev it up till the limiter but it would pass 6600 rpm but it will take while, my car will accelerate faster from idle to 6000rpm than 6000 to 6300 on 1rt or 2nd gear
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& what is the diference between the 83 32 (mine) & the 48 32 (ebay) ?
& what is the difference between the A 011 545 83 32(mine) & the 012 545 48 32 (ebay) ?

The official Mercedes EPC describes the one as "optional with" the other which I took to mean equivalent? And the one on Ebay is mentioned as coming off a 300-24v- it might be worth asking if the one for sale is off a car with a 5 speed auto and whether it has aircon. More than that can't give a definitive answer sorry.
ps there are others for sale on EBAY if you care to search using those numbers.
Also be aware that there's a microswitch under the gear lever that controls 4/5th selection and gives problems. I replaced mine for €30 and 30 mins and stability is returned after years of errors being logged and other misery.

I'm not saying that your problems are linked to that but it's a worthwhile investment.

Also read codes and clear all.

Also be aware that there's a microswitch under the gear lever that controls 4/5th selection and gives problems. I replaced mine for €30 and 30 mins and stability is returned after years of errors being logged and other misery.

I'm not saying that your problems are linked to that but it's a worthwhile investment.

Also read codes and clear all.

Did check that microswitch, its working perfectly.
take the cover off behind the battery where the OVP and ecu are located. You might find your EZL switch there.
No EZL there, only the modules.

Isent the car to a w124 speacialist & he tested every solenoid, module, vacuum line & sensors that has to do with my transmission & everything was working perfectly, the problem has to be in a cable as he said, but couldn't find it, nothing is unpluged & the cables looks to be not in a good condition.

The specialist suggested to change the wire harness but as i know the m104.98x (old model) doesn't had the bio ecology wire harness & can't find eighter the wiring of the transmission to buy anywhere...

Any advice?
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I've sent the car to the mercedes benz local dealer & apart from fixing my 5th gear problem (was the the contact of the switch 4 to D with its wire)

& they say that my wire harness need replacement because somehow i have the eco junk in my 91' 300CE 24v & this is what is causing the engine problems. Is this possible?

How can i differentiate the eco wire harness from the good one?
You may indeed have a localised wiring problem BUT the eco insulation problem didn't come in till around 95 so its not that.
You may indeed have a localised wiring problem BUT the eco insulation problem didn't come in till around 95 so its not that.

I know that the eco wire harness came with the 320e & 280e m104 & other engines as well, but maybe it could happen that my 300ce 24 had those eco junks wires... maybe for the japanese specs or something like that.

I want to make sure i have to replace my wire harness before i spend about 2 grand on a new one.
I've sent the car to the mercedes benz local dealer & apart from fixing my 5th gear problem (was the the contact of the switch 4 to D with its wire)

That is the 4/5 microswitch I mentioned. Gave me years of instability and error codes before I changed it.


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