Active Member
The worst thing happened to me today..........
Was driving down fulham palace road with the aircon on full blast..........lovely day........
Then, all of a sudden, the aircon started pushing out warm air?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?
Looked at the temperature..........needle pointing at 120 degrees!
Quickly pulled over and switched of the car...........after 20 minutes, turned to ignition position and the needle was pointing at 100 degrees........but i could'nt hear the was'nt working!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
did'nt want to risk driving in the slow moving traffic so called out recovery.......just got home.....
can you guys help or tell me what it might be...the car has not lost any water and still drives as i put it on my driveway when i got back..........
i think it might be the fan, are they viscous fans on these......c200 sport.....
someone help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!