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W210 e300td Non-Start


Active Member
Sep 18, 2007
Rochester, Kent
2003 S320CDi, Ducati916
Please help somebody, i have a 98 e300td and it's been a great car for the last 8 years, then when i went to start it last sunday it just cranked but didnt fire, i managed to get it to start with easy-start and took it for a short drive, when i switched it off it then restarted ok, until the next morning when it cranked but didnt fire again. After some advice i changed the glowplugs (what a waste of an hour of my life), which made no difference at all, it will start if i use easy-start, but after standing overnight it refuses to fire, I have noticed that since this has happened everytime i take the fuel filler cap off it seems that the tank is pressurised, which it's never done before, any ideas would be greatfully appreciated, thanks.
First bit of advice DONT USE EASY START..It can blow the pre-chambers out.!!

This is almost certainly the old air leak into the fuel lines problem

Look at the fuel pipes at the filter head and you will probably see air bubbles, especially when running. Replace the pipes and the car will run.

Welcome aboard, shame you didn't join last week we could've saved you changing the glowplugs..
Thanks Dieselman for the speedy reply, the easystart is now in the bin, i'll get on to MB tomorrow and order the pipes
The pressurised tank is an interesting part though, that sounds like the breather may be blocked so causing vacuum to suck the fuel back into the tank.

Try leaving the filler cap loose overnight before the engine is shut down.
I'll give that a go once i get it running again, maybe i'll use carb or brake cleaner to get it fired up, thanks again for your help
Sorry Dieselman, when you say replace the diesel lines am i right in assuming you just mean the clear ones or have i got to do all of them including the ones back to the tank
The clear ones. They have a tendency to leak air in at the joints. Have a look for air bubbles, that's why they are clear.;)

I wouldn't use any product sprayed into the intake to start the engine as they all have the same effect as ezistart due to igniting prior to when they should.

If it's struggling to start connect a fuel line directly from a can to the pump and it should go then once primed.

You can buy a one way valve for the fuel feed line and alternatively fit a priming bulb, similar to used on Peugeot/Citroen products, to prime the fuel system before starting..

Part no. for solenoid/one way valve kit is B66548198.

Thanks 230k, when i spoke to MB parts they said they dont list such an item, i'll give em a go with the part number, cheers!
Fitted the pipes that dieselman recommended and hey presto it starts and runs, have left the car sitting outside for 2 days and it still starts, even the presurrised tank problem has gone, just waiting for the valve/solenoid to turn up from Germany and I'm back on the road, so a big thank you to Dieselman and 230k for your help

Glad you got her sorted, if she is going fine i would keep the solenoid kit for when you really need it, saves cutting pipes etc when she is going well.

Just my thoughts.

Whoops spoke to soon, came home from work today and same old story, it wont fire up, got the fuel up to the pump and then it started, went for a 3 mile drive and it's ok when it's running, i have noticed that as soon as i switch it off the fuel line in between the thermostat and the pre-filter instantly empties, i pressume this is not normal, anyone got any ideas before i go and attack it with a stick
If you still lave the old pipes just try bypassing the pre-filter. The seals here can be difficult to seal properly.

Alternatively it's the leak-off pipes leaking air so the fuel drains back.

The one way valve would stop this happening.
Thanks Dieselman, unforunately i've lobbed the old pipes, when you say leak-off pipes are these what i know as spill pipes or are they something different? the one way valve is due to turn up from zee germans on friday.
The leak-offs and spill pipes are the same thing. If they leak air anywhere at all the fuel will drain back from the filter head.
Just received the valve/solenoid from MB, can someone tell me where it is recommended to fit it, it needs wiring and also it has a perfor-strip bracket to mount it, thanks
Thanks 230k, I was hoping that thread might tell me where to pick up an ignition switched live but it looks like i'll just have to have a prod around, also i think i might try slapping some grease on them o'rings incase they are still leaking, looks like tomorrows daytime is gonna be busy.

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