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ye, i think they look a lot better and going to do them a couple of times more with the solution then clean with auto glass cleaner and seal them
ye, i think they look a lot better and going to do them a couple of times more with the solution then clean with auto glass cleaner and seal them

What is the solution mix and can you do before and after shots too please.

baking soda & white vinegar mix into a paste and wet the class or Plastic with soapy water or glass cleaner the with a oldcloth just keep rubbing till the dirt lifts forgot to take the befor pics but can take 1 of the after now still some rubbing to do but ive seen a vast inprovement already
cleaned lights

Me neither but glass would certainly be easier to clean than my 209 plastic ones!

I've seen other interesting guides which target heavily damaged lenses - its a bit more labour intensive & would require an enclosed space.

The method is basically

1. Sanding down the lenses - cant recall what grit was used, but I'm assuming something fine (to get rid of any imperfections & uneven surfaces from chips etc)

2. Wiping down with IPA, & Cover with 2k lacquer - again, can't recall how many coats, but the lights looked brand new when done.
thanks Litcan ,after claying the paintwork hrs of polishing -waxing and buffing , but worth it now i just keep it clean quick shampoo & thin layer of meguiars gold class premium wax and buff up
hi tony, mine are plastic plastic but done them again this morning with baking soda & white vinegar and looking like new now
my supernatural is here now so hopefully at the weekend if weather is ok giving my c250 sport a coat

A6lns you've got the supernatural, its been a while, there are no pictures.... what's happening??? no pictures = automatic :ban:

i find dodo juice light fantastic & meguiers gold class premium wax is best for my silver clk , altho i must admit ive not tried that many brands
fraid it is ashe swissvaz has a good name maybe try it later if i can get a good deal from a detailing sell site
Got a picture off my car won't upload

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