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Weight Saving Tip

Genius! He might have a point if the seat was particularly heavy and moving it altered the weight distribution F/R but otherwise removing the heavy bodykit and badges would help ;)
i liked the way that he was talking about trying to get the car to go faster.... ok his methods may of made an extra 0.2 bhp or something, but i wouldnt boast about 9.2 seconds :D
Love it! He's added a heavy bodykit, taken the boiled sweets out of the glovebox then polished it and that drops the 0-60 time by two full seconds.:rolleyes:
WTF is he talking about with the rear seat? A Vauxhall seat back can't weigh anything anyway and laying it flat does naff all.

I also love the Barry boys when they works out their BHP.
K&N filter, that's 20bhp. Loud exhaust + 25bhp. Chip +40bhp. Silly sparkplugs +5bhp. Kenwood sticker, +10bhp.
Corsa 1.2 = 210bhp :rolleyes:

edit..Just seen his name ... Police Driver. Says it all.
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I haven't chuckled so much in ages. :D Hmm I'll have to drop me rear seats next time I'm at the 'Ring :p

Note to self - Must go home and wash the car before leaving for Manchester tonight so I can shave 0.5secs off 0-60mph :D
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Mambo said:
Nore to self - Must go home and wash the car before leaving for Manchester tonight so I can shave 0.5secs off 0-60mph :D
Fold in the door mirrors, tape up the shut lines, add a couple of pounds of air to each tyre and you might add a few miles per gallon... :)
Yes, I must keep the seats in my estate folded down all the time. Crumbs, with two rows of rear seats to fold, imagine how much faster I'll be able to drive ... :D
Oh that it is good. How dare people say that the Education system in this country is failing?

"The rear seat thing, It is rare that I fold them down, but it has to be said that when folded they remove a bit of weight. Vertical seats exert more downward force because the energy is focused on a smaller surface area. When horizontal, the weight is spread and so is less per Centimetre squared."

Anyway, according to Einstein's theory of Special Relativity mass increases as you approach the speed of light:D
fetch me a fat women and some scales. i intend to show just how much i can make her lose weight just by lying down across the scales..

I have just invented the best ever weight loss programme and none of you are invited to help out, i am having all the billions from this invention forever. dont you try and stop me, i tell you, rich i will be, richer than God.

however back on earth, i think he may have got confused about weight loss and spreading you weight over a large area so as you dont smash the ice. exaclty the opposite of how a glass hammer works in fact.

on a similar note, while smashing nails into my eyes the other night, i happenind across Vroom Vroom, they took all the weight out of an astra and it shaved almost 0.2 off its 0-60 time. this included removing all the seats and facia etc.

I went off the kill myself but in a blind stupor, fell asleep and woke up in my normal life once again.
Satch said:
Oh that it is good. How dare people say that the Education system in this country is failing?

"The rear seat thing, It is rare that I fold them down, but it has to be said that when folded they remove a bit of weight. Vertical seats exert more downward force because the energy is focused on a smaller surface area. When horizontal, the weight is spread and so is less per Centimetre squared."

Anyway, according to Einstein's theory of Special Relativity mass increases as you approach the speed of light:D
Hehe I'm still chuckling...I wonder how anyone can mix up terms pressure and weight? :rolleyes:

Next time I weigh myself on the scales I'll make sure I am horizontal and not vertical... that way I'll weigh alot less and feel better for it! :p :D Wow down from 15st to 4st! :rock: I'll write a book and send a few million spam mails, [del boy]this time next week I could be a millionare[/del boy]

D'ah Scumbag you beat me to it :p

Steve_Perry said:
D'ah Scumbag you beat me to it :p


Pah!. you have to be quick with money making schemes.

you slacker!!!!!:rock:

" I'm in the money" etc etc.

cant wait for the first billion to come flooding in! i am going to make a killing.

~~~> fat ladies, this way. instant fat cure available, no work, no gym, eat what you like, instant weight loss in milliseconds, totally repeatable results. endorsed by VXR forum.
scumbag said:
Pah!. you have to be quick with money making schemes.

you slacker!!!!!:rock:

" I'm in the money" etc etc.

cant wait for the first billion to come flooding in! i am going to make a killing.

~~~> fat ladies, this way. instant fat cure available, no work, no gym, eat what you like, instant weight loss in milliseconds, totally repeatable results. endorsed by VXR forum.
Ahem, I think you'll find the majority of the VXR forum might be against you on this one :p

Steve_Perry said:
Ahem, I think you'll find the majority of the VXR forum might be against you on this one :p


in a recent survey conducted on the web by google, it hit 9million pages! thsu meaning 9million people have somehow foudn there way onto a recent survey i just made up.

it goes up to trillions if you put in vauxhall VXR forum

must admit tho, its not a particularly scientific survey! I notice my bank account has yet to change, i am begining to think it may not be as lucrative as I once thought.

and i have also found out that charging into to the secretary's office and demanding she get on the scales, does not seem to have the desired result which means at the moment i am unable to test this theory, nor see out of my right eye!

also, does anyone know of a glazer?, and who sells scales? drop proof ones preferably!
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Fandango said:
I wonder if I should get my GF to lie flat in the back too, to save extra weight... while driving of course ;)

No, get her to lie flat in the front while you're driving, That should bring a smile to your face! :D :D

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