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What are my legal rights


Yep somebody is telling porkies and I suspect it is not the dealer. He stumped up quickly when I spoke to him on the 1st issue , but did take time to call the garage who carried out the repairs.

I have tried to call him but gave up as I just know that it will leave me even more ****** off than I already am. I have spent lots more than intended when I bought this car and don't have a bottomless pit. That said I now can't afford to get shot of it and lose my investment.

Anybody out there got any Drive Shafts??
Hope you don't think i'm having a pop Bruce , just trying to understand both sides , and put forward an alternative point of view.

I hope you get it sorted soon.

Could Acid order you in some driveshafts at a discount i wonder ? what are the part numbers ? could you try parts reunited ? Inchcape will give 10% off ....

Trouble is , anything ' AMG ' is automatically priced up .... :(
Good to get a fuller picture of the case.
As you have a 6 month warranty, then I would expect these repairs to be fully paid.
As the insurance companies have no knowledge of an accident with the car, then obviously, for whatever reason, a previous owner has paid for private repairs. Reasons for this could be many and you could speculate until the cows come home.
How many previous owners has the car had?
Why did the previous owner sell it?
Could you find out?
If it was anything to do with the trouble you are now having, then PERHAPS - just perhaps - the dealer did know and is keeping very tight lipped.
I doubt somehow you will ever get to the bottom of it.
One consolation................
Olly at PCS is a brilliant mechanic and if anyone can fix it for you - PROPERLY - its him.
I hope this is the end of the bills and you can now get on and enjoy the car.
A C55 is an awesome beast and will give almost anything a damn good thrashing.

Get the point but the law is clear. Any faults appearing within 6 months of purchase are assumed to have been their at the point of purchase therefore the responsibility lies with the dealer. the OP has a right to have the car fixed.... that is unless the car was advertised with faults but i'd think that unlikely at a dealer.


Regardless of protection under law when buying any vehicle and more so an AMG it's up to the buyer to perform due diligence.
It's all part of the purchasing process.

Law may protect but what time and energy does the OP have to invest to attempt to get a remedy under the law?

In the end the buyer has a sour taste in his mouth and typically sells the vehicle quickly at a loss...

Purchasing a used Merc should be a great experience but the buyer should limit personal culpability..

Better to take a used Merc to a Merc dealer or known indy to get a full inspection...and even then some problems may not be evident, but most will be apparent :thumb:
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A £200 inspection would have added about 2% to the purchase cost

Did you HPI it, pull up the MOT history and check the VIN numbers?

Nick Froome
Regardless of protection under law when buying any vehicle and more so an AMG it's up to the buyer to perform due diligence.
It's all part of the purchasing process.

Law may protect but what time and energy does the OP have to invest to attempt to get a remedy under the law?

In the end the buyer has a sour taste in his mouth and typically sells the vehicle quickly at a loss...

Purchasing a used Merc should be a great experience but the buyer should limit personal culpability..

Better to take a used Merc to a Merc dealer or known indy to get a full inspection...and even then some problems may not be evident, but most will be apparent :thumb:

I still see what you are saying but the point of going to a dealer for many and thus paying a premium over a private sale is axactly the sort of protection the law allows. Private sale, 100% behind you. Dealer - they need to make sure the cars they sell are first rate, a bad reputation = end of business and if they don't know what they are doing perhaps they should avoid such specialist cars themselves?

Howard, i'm not being vociferos in saying that a call to trading standards could be in order. It is clear that the dealer has been contacted several times and the OP has fixed a few things they knew about at his own cost. He's even met the dealer halfway on the accident repair and to be honest, I'd have been giving him the keys back at that stage. Non insurance declared repair potentially done on the cheap? No thanks, espcially combined with all the other faults which seem to point to little or low cost maintenence. As above, a dealer should be able to spot accident damage as should any motor trade professional. People go to them for that confidence and reassurance and because they don't know enough themselves. Finding a fault like that on a car should not be a problem to a pro and selling on a warrenty which doesn't seem to cover much also has alarm bells ringing.

As I say, given there have been conversations already suggesting a polite phone call is fine, it seems that has already happened. The OP asked what his legal rights were and I simply told him his rights in law as he requested.

I know its an AMG, but with something like driveshafts there's a good chance it probably shares this part with alot of its W203 brethren... and you can get those second hand i'm sure for not much money.

W203 driveshafts items - Get great deals on Vehicle Parts Accessories items on eBay UK!

Or a quick call to some breakers might bring up something but you'd need to make sure the part numbers are exactly the same as the ones on yours. Hopefully someone on the forum could help with the part number matching... if not then its a trip down to the local merc dealership pretending you want to buy the driveshafts!

I really do hope it pans out well for you, I know the feeling when you've spent your hard-earned cash on a car and you get an unpleasant surprise as such, it makes my heart sink :(.
The law is very simple, for a car of this calibre the dealer has to give 6 months by law, doesnt matter what he writes on the receipt...

Now the issue of the CV joint may get murky as its a rubber item and could be classed as wear and tear...

You certainly shouldnt have paid for the other items though...

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