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What is your favourite decade, and why?


MB Club Veteran
Nov 1, 2008
Bournemouth/Poole Dorset
W210 E280 x2, w211 E55, W212 E63 biturbo, S204 C180K
Just for a bit of fun, what is your favourite decade and why?
Listening to some music earlier got me thinking, what is my favourite decade?
Without question, it is the 60's.

I left school in July'66, just in time to watch England win the World Cup
I started my first job for the princely sum of £7 a week, £3 of which I handed over to Mum for my “keep” £4 a week for myself after just 15 shillings a week doing a morning paper round. I felt like a millionaire.

Beer was cheap, Watneys Red barrel was 2 shillings a pint and Double Diamond was half a crown (2/6d) and lager was unheard of. I didn't smoke and there were no kebabs or curries around to get me fat! Fast food was a Wimpey or Fish and chips. No BK or McDonalds in those days.

Girls, beer, music and cars were my weakness once I turned 17 later that year.
Flower power was at its height, I had myself a Lambretta and life was good.
Got myself a Ford Anglia after passing my test at 18 and thought it was the dogs danglies though I secretly wanted a Mini Cooper or if I saved hard enough, a Lotus Cortina! I had a part time job pumping fuel at an upmarket garage in Canford Cliffs, a posh part of town just outside Bournemouth.
Tony Blackburn used to breeze in with his white E-Type and Pete Murray and Max Bygraves were often seen in their Mercedes and Roller. The 60'swere in full flow.

The Anglia was the first car I owned, and the first car I modified. An Ian Piper race cam and Cortina GT 4 branch manifold followed by a respray in Dark brown with a yellow stripe (very 70's already) I thought it was great until it threw a conrod on the A3 near Camberley and spewed all the oil on the road and then seized the engine.
I'd like to say I owned a lot of great cars, but an early marriage meant money went on different priorities. Moving on from the scrapped Anglia, I took ownership of my Dads ageing Triumph Herald 12/50 that had a fair turn of speed but had a horrible habit of tucking in the rear wheels when cornering hard.
I got myself a Mini Cooper in the early 70's but it wasn't the cooking 1275s model.

Then the music, an era that will never be bettered IMHO. The Beatles started it in '62 and right through until the 70's I enjoyed going to concerts, topped by seeing Led Zeppelin in '69. Pink Floyd always escaped me and I regret never seeing them to this day. Some great artists were beginning and I loved the Who, the Beach Boys, David Bowie and the Motown stuff from Marvin Gaye and the Four Tops. The Stones never did it for me despite a few great singles.

Then the girls. Mini skirts, hot pants, the pill. Thank you the 60's!
I found that owning a car came in very handy on the dating scene. Met my then wife to be #1 in a Bournemouth pub. Shame it didn't last.

So that's my teenage years. The 60's were the best time ever for me and the millennials will never know what it was like.

How about you?
What is your favourite decade and why?
Sorry to be predictable and cliche but current decade for me. I obviously have wonderful memories of the past but I’ve never been one to look back. I adore my current life/situation despite various health issues for us.

Aside from loving current life I’m always excited for what’s to come, for the unknown. The unpredictable aspect of life is not a bad thing.

To add to this I love music/film/comedy past & present equally. Lots of variety across all genres.

I love seeing our daughter flourishing into a confident young woman despite having amazing memories of her through all stages.

So, for me, 2020’s is my favourite. 🥳
I think most people will answer with wherever decade was the decade of their teens. Lots of fun, sex and music...and no responsibility! So that's the 80s for me.
My favourite decade? None in particular - they all had good and bad. If I had to give a preference, I'd be with Ant and say this one. If nothing else, I'm grateful to have made it this far. Also like Ant, I have a daughter who fills me with pride every day. What's not to like?

I certainly wouldn't say that my teen years were the best. OK, my naivety protected me from worrying about as many things as I did (and still do) in later years. But I didn't have rose-tinted specs. My teen years took place in the 60s, and for me they weren't all they were cracked up to be. All that studying for far too many exams; all the time spent on my back on cold wet roads repairing unreliable cars; all that vodka & lime consumed while standing around at the edges of dance halls in case I managed to get off with a girl who'd reject me if I smelt of beer; all that time wasted at Beatles and Rolling Stones concerts where it was impossible to hear them above all the screaming; no overseas travel because it was only the very rich who managed it back then; an extremely limited choice of food (as good a cook as my mum was); poncy guys on scooters buzzing around like demented wasps; nobody listening to me even though I knew everything.
My teen years took place in the 60s, and for me they weren't all they were cracked up to be. All that studying for far too many exams; all the time spent on my back on cold wet roads repairing unreliable cars; all that vodka & lime consumed while standing around at the edges of dance halls in case I managed to get off with a girl who'd reject me if I smelt of beer; all that time wasted at Beatles and Rolling Stones concerts where it was impossible to hear them above all the screaming; no overseas travel because it was only the very rich who managed it back then; an extremely limited choice of food (as good a cook as my mum was); poncy guys on scooters buzzing around like demented wasps; nobody listening to me even though I knew everything.
Jesus, I bet you’re a right laugh at parties. 😏
I think most people will answer with wherever decade was the decade of their teens. Lots of fun, sex and music...and no responsibility! So that's the 80s for me.

I'm torn. It's the 80's for me - for exactly those reasons, but I've been happiest over the last decade, despite various health issues. I've got a soft spot for 60's music though...
Hi , It's the 60s for me I am pleased to say.

I went to a male boarding school in the middle of Herefordshire and when let out to play women not girls where a major issue for me.

My first friend was 28 and to this day I think about her from time to time.

I am not a Manchester United fan but George Best was my ultimate footballer.I recently watched the 1966 world cup final and the game was slow to say the least.

My music tastes varied by I lived in Muswell Hill so The Kinks must have had an influence on me ( Ray Davies ) in particular.

One of my biggest mistakes in life that I saw a Ford GT40 up for sale in a garage near Bishops Avenue and thought it was for to expensive.

Bishops Avenue was millionaires row then and not in the sorry state it is now.

I was an aggarant so and so then and Mrs Boyband had to ask me and initially said no thanks and that really annoyed her.

Luckily she kept asking me out.

Life been good to me including Mrs Boyband who is still on by side.
Has to be the 60s for me. Enough money from my paper rounds to pay for beer and cigarettes, part time work at two petrol stations owned by the former rally driver Tiny Lewis , which paid for my tatty Lambretta and clothes, records etc. Loved the music ( still buy 60s music) and the ‘feel’ of the 60s , which I guess is in large due to having been born in 1952 on a council estate and having a little more comfort as fathers income improved , freedom and the discovery of girls. All in I feel it was a happy decade.
90's cos those were my primary and start of secondary school years where there was obviously no stress/worries and just all fun and games! And also everything was cheap in the shops like walkers crisps at like 20p a bag and a chocolate bar for like 25p/30p! Oh yeah 90's were the golden years for mufc (1999)!
90's cos those were my primary and start of secondary school years where there was obviously no stress/worries and just all fun and games! And also everything was cheap in the shops like walkers crisps at like 20p a bag and a chocolate bar for like 25p/30p! Oh yeah 90's were the golden years for mufc (1999)!

Ditto for me but the 80s (and you can take 50% off those prices)
Architecture: 1890-99
Technology: 1960-69
Music: 1990-99
Nightlife: 1990-99
Cars 2007-2018 (I know that’s 12 years)
Food: 2015-2024 (rolling)
1980s for the music and being Young Free and Single

2000s for being the dad of two young girls who thought I was a god.....

Worst, now...
90's, because I was born in the mid 70's.
Late teens and 20's were awesome.

Also, because I lived most of the 90's in the UK.
To plagiarise Bobby Dazzler's post:

Architecture: 1790-99 ( The date of our current home )
Technology: 1976-1988 ( My main Pioneer HiFi set up )
Music: 1750 - Now
Nightlife: 1980's ( at a push, always hated nightclubs,, even back then!)
Cars 1950-2012 (Currently my vehicles span 1996 - 2012) *Motorbikes are 1996 & 2000, Cars are 2012 ( Honda CR-V & 2003 Mercedes SL500 ...... just the correct combe for me!
To plagiarise Bobby Dazzler's post do similar!

Architecture: not fussed....there has always been good and bad.
Technology: up to 2010.....the new stuff is starting to get less rather than more user friendly
Music: 1980....best decade ever for music....but as I said before, for most its the decade of their teens and the 80s was mine.
Nightlife: 90s, rave, hardcore, techno, chill out rooms, massive super clubs...oh yeah....big fish, little fish, cardboard box!
Cars 1965 (the birth years of my favourites...the US muscle car.... finished in 1974)......right up to when designers lost there way and everything went Tesla and EQS style blobby, edgeless and non descript not sure the year really ...2010 perhaps? To my eyes cars with sharp edges look fresher for longer....60s muscle cars are cool and still look great....and 80 Sierra and fish face Granada look older and more out of date to me. EQS and such will go the same way IMO.

Sheer timeless class.
69 Charger


Sierra....blobby....so although its 14 years newer than the Charger it looks 30 years older!!!


Granny Scorpio....blobby AND ugly!


Merc EQS......new.....but also a blobby ugly flattened potato and IMO set to age fast.


Just my opinion of course!!!
To plagiarise Bobby Dazzler's post do similar!

Architecture: not fussed....there has always been good and bad.
Technology: up to 2010.....the new stuff is starting to get less rather than more user friendly
Music: 1980....best decade ever for music....but as I said before, for most its the decade of their teens and the 80s was mine.
Nightlife: 90s, rave, hardcore, techno, chill out rooms, massive super clubs...oh yeah....big fish, little fish, cardboard box!
Cars 1965 (the birth years of my favourites...the US muscle car.... finished in 1974)......right up to when designers lost there way and everything went Tesla and EQS style blobby, edgeless and non descript not sure the year really ...2010 perhaps? To my eyes cars with sharp edges look fresher for longer....60s muscle cars are cool and still look great....and 80 Sierra and fish face Granada look older and more out of date to me. EQS and such will go the same way IMO.

Sheer timeless class.
69 Charger

View attachment 151763

Sierra....blobby....so although its 14 years newer than the Charger it looks 30 years older!!!

View attachment 151764

Granny Scorpio....blobby AND ugly!

View attachment 151765

Merc EQS......new.....but also a blobby ugly flattened potato and IMO set to age fast.

View attachment 151766

Just my opinion of course!!!
The Charger & Sierra photos are hardly a fair comparison though? Charger one in a very colourful setting. Sierra one looks like a DIY autotrader pic.

Also a bog standard Ford and not the Cosworth.

Just saying. 😁

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