Thanks all!
Things I forgot to mention:
1) To reuse the crush washer, I sanded it down to get rid of the lip that is formed, so it looked/felt good as 'new'. I did this both times I took it off, just to be sure.
2) The radiator bleed valve/nipple/screw would turn 90deg then stop. I was really scared to break it, but ultimately just needed to man up and turn it (with pliers) until it clicked open to 180degrees. So, it needs to turn 180degrees, not just 90 like some people say online.
3) I did use a couple of bits of wood, but they weren't very thick. But it's all I had lying around!
I was thinking of trying to buy an older Cayman S in the next couple of years, with the idea of working on it myself. I'd definitely need those approach ramp/extenders then!
For the E350, next year I plan to:
1) Get a remap @ Big Fish Tuning or MSL
2) Machine polish the entire car (DIY, bought the polisher etc but the weather wasn't kind to me this year)
3) Fit the Lemforder front control arms
4) Get tracking done after the control arms
5) Get a front/rear dash cam installed… probably with 24/7 parking mode/live view
6) I’ll probably need some new rear tyres (especially if no.1 happens!)
7) But some winter wheels/tyres as I am planning on going to Germany a few times a year, and you need them by law, in the winter.
And whatever else it decides to throw up! Hopefully.. nothing!
Feel free to add the DIY stuff you guys are doing too, please!