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  1. G

    Air passes through cabin even when AC is off

    I have this strange problem in my '99 c230. Whilst driving, air is constantly coming through the vents even when all the A/C, air, fan etc are shut off. I have to switch the knob to the upper windshield vents in order to not have the air hitting my face when I'm driving. Does anyone know...
  2. The Boss

    what is the water drain part from cabin? - w124

    hi guys. if water gets into the cabin of a 124 cabin, and its under the foam of the main carpet, then where does it drain down to. ie what is the main drain path for water from the cabin.. i know its not the 4 corner drains with the little angle spouts. between the floor area and the...
  3. M

    Plug cords number 1 n 3 aint firing(counting from the cabin side)

    That day i had a started a thread that my car e220 w124 is sufferin from a continuous misfiring and Some nice ppl on this forum told me to get the coil pack and transistors and the HT extenders chkd...today i got em checked to knw that the plug cords number 1 and 3 werent firing...but still the...
  4. R

    exhaust fumes inside cabin on w124

    Hi peeps, got a bit of an issue,i keep getting exhause fume smells into the car while im driving. Usually on the motorway where it's the worst. Initially thought it might have been the heater/fan but they have been switched off and it still comes in to cabin (even at low speeds). I recently...
  5. EDZ649

    Kids Cabin Bed for sale

    My son has outgrown his current bed so it is up for sale. I bought this about 4-5 years ago from Benson's Beds at a cost of £400. It is a quality bed, very solid, sturdy and very heavy and definately not to be confused with cheaper makes. There is plenty of storage in the cupboard, shelves...
  6. R1der

    W210 Cabin Filter

    There are a couple of threads from some time ago reference the cabin filters as fitted to a 1998 E300 TD saloon but they make a number of refrences to the basic heater system or the advanced air con with digital control. I have what seems to be an in between model with aircon but with thumb...
  7. dvb247

    w163 2003 ML270 Elec smell in cabin thro heater

    My wifes 2003 ML270 has an issue that I can only think is something related to the heater, a couple of days ago we noticed a smell of burning 10 minutes into our journey, I messed with the heater controls, turned the heater off and back on and all okay for the remaining 2 hour journey, she's...
  8. Aeromerc

    fresh cabin air?

    I had to charge my battery up and unclipped the cover to find the entrance/filter for the cabin is part of the battery cover... That seems to mean that the air i'm breathing in the car is a. from the hot engine compartment and b. sucking in battery fumes? Is this common on modern cars...
  9. S

    Time to warm the cabin - VW Polo diesel

    My wifes car - a 2006 Polo 1.4tdi seems to be taking a long time (even longer than it used to) to warm up the cabin these mornings - the engine temp has always taken a while and that has not changed - the car is running fine - the gauge sits dead on halfway at 90 degrees once it has warmed up...
  10. D

    Fumes and smell inside cabin advice needed

    Hi folks Kind of a urgent matter.. I had both CATS replaced a few months ago and since then the smell has been getting worse... Smells like diesel inside the cabin and you can also see white fumes on a bright sunny day... The first CAT that is connected to the engine / turbo im sure is...
  11. B

    charcole cabin filters

    wheres the cheapest place to get these from seen some at nealry 100 pounds very exspencive for a cabin filters :wallbash:
  12. A

    diesel smell in cabin w203 220 CDi

    I have this problem with my w203 220 cdi . The smell is not present if the heater fan is off but instantly comes when the fan is turned on.Do you have any idea where is this coming ...pls help
  13. fredboo

    Smell inside cabin

    ( i have searched but couldnt find anything similar).. ... I have an odd smell coming in from somewhere.. ( no its not my feet hasten to add :) When i use the heating system or air con, this smell covers the cabin, not always and sometimes every 4th or 5th time. however, its a bad smell, and i...
  14. PJayUK

    W220/S320 Cabin Filter

    I contacted GSF to buy a new set of cabin filters for my SClass today. I haven't changed them before but I was under the impression that they lived under the glovebox interior, which needs to be removed to get access. I was told that my car actually has 4 filters, and the man wasn't sure which...
  15. T

    Cabin filters on W124 - do UK cars have them?

    Hi, I read a post a few days ago about cabin filters on 124's that need replacing - do UK cars have these and if so where are they located? Thanks Toby
  16. punjabi

    Squeaky cabin ventilation fan........squeak!

    The cabin vent fan on my 300TE has developed an annoying squeak at the first setting, it is not continious but the squeak comes around at random! Perhaps needs a squirt of WD40? Where exactly is this fan and what is the best way to access this location?
  17. W

    W124 Cabin Air Pollen/Pollution Filter?

    Hello, I have a 1993 W124 220E. It doesn't have air conditioning, and for this reason it seems, it doesn't have a cabin air pollen/pollution filter. Does anyone have an idea of the feasibility of retro-fitting a pollen/pollution filter to this car? I suspect this idea might be a non-starter...
  18. O

    fuse number cabin lights?

    What is the fuse number for the cabin lightd? Thank you. Olivier
  19. A

    AC cabin filters

    Hey ppl!! I've got an E300TD (W210) 1998 year. I want to change the cabin filters... would some one know where they are in my car? Behind the glove box or under the dash?? I have climate control. Thanks alot!
  20. AANDYY

    E300 W210 - cabin pre-heater - Exellent!

    :D Having had my first Merc. now for about 3 weeks now, I must say I'm very pleased so far. I'll be even chufffter when I start running on waste cooking oil :rock: What I have noticed recently on the chilly mornings is the cabin pre-heater, very good. In about 1 min theres tepid air coming...
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