Hi all, got a 05 ml 270, been visiting this fantastic site on and off for a couple of years.
Following all the advice so far iv changed
conductor plate and pilot bush
All injector seals replaced at a garage, i had black death on number one cylinder so i wasnt feeling to confident to do...
We've only had our lovely new (to us) CLK280 coupe a couple of weeks when this happens:
Went to clean off the dried dust from the morning dew when I noticed some smudges on the bonnet just below the air intake. On closer inspection found smudges to be the print from a trainer sole!!! Then we...
Hello to you all.
I have been reading posts and gaining much information for some time from these great club pages.
I have just got a CLk280 Elegance coupe on a 56 plate. It has done 55k miles with full MB service history and is lovely to drive. It ss Cubanite Silver with cream leather...
Just rang all the different numbers for MB in Canterbury and all their phones lines are dead.
Hope it is just a phone fault and not something more terminal.
Anyone know anything about it?
Was it anyone on this group? Saturday lunchtime - coach overtakes two lorries, silver C43 (facelift with headlamp wipers) gets close to my boot behind the coach, coach pulls over, I overtake the coach in my blue Lexus RX300, C43 is chomping at the bit and rockets from what I was doing (70ish) to...