Hi all, this is my first post so sorry if it's in wrong location. I recently had the oil changed in my slk 200 kompressor r171 and, three days later the engine warning light came on with error code p200a bank 2/5 hot film mass airflow sensor the car was running fine at this point so the the code...
Hi all,
M102 W124 230CE, losing coolant (about 3-4 pints per week!) I have looked when hot, when cold but can see no obvious leak, reasonably new radiator, thermostat plus housing and expansion tank cap. Also when I go to top up, invariably there is still pressure in the system.
I did a...
Ok, My MB Stealer has now had my car over 5 weeks. The last time I heard anything from them, 3 weeks ago, the issue was with coil packs....
The car developed a miss fire and pluging in my OBD-II tool, it reported a miss fire on #2 and #4. When the MB mobile mechanic arrived his Xentry showed...
hi all,
imanaged to put those breather pipes onto my rocker cover yesterday, they eventually lead towards the turbo wastegate thingy? anyway, i noticed the turbo sound spooling is much more aggressive and whiny now, beautiful! the response is way smoother
... is this really down the to new...
Just done a plug change, and I have to say, the ones I pulled out don't look great.
Although, I'm wondering if the oily gluey buildup on the threads is just the stuff that stops em jamming. (Antilock grease? The name of the stuff alludes me right now.)
I've never done a compression test...
Hi, I'm new to the club & so my 1st posting - so 'Hi !'
Does anybody know where to hire a road spring compressor for the Front springs on my newly aquired W210 (E320 Elegance Estate). I can see you can buy them online fro about £150 - £200 but I'm only going to need to use it the once -...
Hi All,
I've never undertaken this job and would like any advice on which kit to buy - and any tips on using it if possible!
I have a couple of Petrol engines as well, so it'd be handy if they were dual purpose - or are they all if they work for diesel?
Many thanks in advance.
I have a 240d from 1982. 120k kms from new. It is low on power and my garage tells me the compression is low on three cylinders. Seems odd since I had a test 4000kms ago and it was ok.
So, it could be, I guess, head gasket, valves or rings. First, am I right and second, what is the most likely...
So, i went to start the car last night. It compressed once then sounded like it lost pressure when cranking. Oh fun...Went to a friend to borrow a compression tester and sure enough, 30 psi on cyl 1, nothing on cyl 2. By this point i was getting very wet in the rain in my drive and decided to...
Sykes Pickavant Compression tester up for offers. Used approx 1.5 times The box is very dirty though. Has two extra fittings for inj and glowplug. Suits older cars i have a list available. Part # 014200
I needed to know the compression ratio figures for the 3.0 M103 engine... where they all 9.2:1.?
I have heard that some were 10.1 is this correct?
And is there any way of knowing when looking at the car or engine.
Hi, I got a compression test done for my 1992 2.0 190e and the results show:
1: 200 PSI - 13.78 Bar
2. 200 PSI - 13.78 Bar
3. 170 PSI - 11.72 Bar
4: 160 PSI - 11.03 Bar
The Haynes manual says there can be a maximum difference of 1.5 Bars between each cylinder. Cylinder 1/2 have over 2 Bar...
Any decent freeware stuff I can use?
If I do how do people uncompress at the other end?
I am looking to compress word docs, maybe an excel sheet or 2 and possibly pdf's
Any suggestions?
Dear Merc Gurus and Forum specialists,
My C180 COUPE engine 271 is misfiring on cylinder 3 with error code P0303 and behaving rougly on idle. Had Spark Plug changed and Ignition coils on cylinder 3 but it only became bit better to what it was. I took it to garage yesterday for diagnosis with...
heres the results of my compression test can anyone tell me if this is ok
4.12 bar 165psi
3,just over 12 bar 165psi
2,13 bar 170psi
1. just over 12 bar 165psi
from the front of the car
hi there im going to buy a compression tester as my car is lumpy on idle i can feel it through the whole car ive already tested the ignition with a spark plug tester and changed the ignition coils so im going to give it a go with a compression tester what i need to know is how to exactly to do...
Hi folks,
1995 E220 124 Petrol Auto Saloon
I seem to be losing/burning water from the cooling system.
I can’t find a leak & had supposed the head gasket might be at fault (101000 mls) tho’ she runs as sweet as a nut.
Oil (full synthetic) is o.k.
Plugs are o.k (changed them yesterday to...