I'm picking up a nice, rusty-but-still-MOT'd W210 300dt this evening, on 172k. I'll be driving it back about 200 miles so I should get a good idea if there's anything serious wrong mechanically, but I just got the below info from the seller:
"1 - oil weep from oil filler cap on rocker cover -...
Just purchased my first Merc........I had several M3's a couple of Porsches and a maserati thought I'd try an AMG. Bought a 2 owner 53k 1999 E55 AMG estate, absolutely immaculate with full history and it has an LPG conversion. Had a few weeks now and love it. Thinking about adding comand and I...
Hello folks.
Thought I'd say a quick 'hello' to all! I bought a 2006 R500SE a few weeks ago, a 2-owner car with lots of history and a very long list of options - it cost somebody around £62k new....I paid a lot less! :D
I think 500s are pretty few and far between, and ours is a SWB one, so...
With the snowy winter possibly behind. Have you started driving your pride and joy?
Took the E500 today after a good cleaning, made for a happy nephew :)
Found my way here from the 190 owners club - MrsSE and I currently have two 190s in the fleet, one is on the road, the other a project (and has a shopping list the length of my arm to get it on the road...).
I'll be nosing around and probably asking a lot of dim questions, but hey ho.
Girlfriend just spilt milkshake on and around my gear selector. Lots of lights flashing and car would not start. I pulled the top off exposing a circuit board and there was a little fluid in there so I dabbed that off and the car started.
Can't select and hears now and the engine management...
Newbie Alert!!
Evening All!!
Just accquired a 2010 W639 Vito... Thought it might be a good idea to join up as opposed to just 'lurk'
Finding lots of topic's and info on here... Hope to return the favour in due corse..
New member here to the fold.... well nearly.
I'm picking up my first new Merc tomorrow
2015 Palladium W205 C class 220 saloon - Bluetec AMG line with premium plus pack.
I've had 4 Audi's so decided to take the plunge.
My girlfriend picks up her new GLA the following week (her 2nd...
They say things come in threes.
First I decided that I would investigate the squealing alternator belt on my 560sec, and discovered that the last person there had snapped the main bolt that carries the alternator to the block, and had then glued the remains of the bolt back in again.:wallbash...
Good evening guys and girls!
I'm writing to say hello, and introduce myself and my other half - we're both car mad, and up until a week or two ago, were a three Alfa Romeo family, with a 155 V6, GTV V6 and a Brera V6 keeping us busy!
The Brera was stunning as a car, but eye watering to live...
Popped down to the shops to get some chocolate, also a good excuse to drive the car as its a lovely evening out there.
Took some pic's on my phone excuse the quality doh..
Hello everyone.
My name is Carl and i drive a 2011 C350 CDI AMG Sport Estate. It's my first Mercedes and i collected the car on 31 May.
Looking forwards to joining in discussions and will always try and help out wherever i can.
Carl :)
Hi Everyone,
Mercedes lady newbie from the 'Wet' (West) Country !
Thoroughly enjoying being the proud owner of a beautiful SLK R170 320 V6 auto.
Even better when you can get the top down on hot days like today has been !
I'm due to pick my 14 plate C250 CDI AMG Sport Plus up this Friday so I thought I'd pop a post up and say hi.
The car is in white with COMMAND, heated seats and sunroof.
Got a very good deal on it as it was a stock car and with the 'new' C Class coming dealers seem to be prepared to...
New SL owner here:D
Just bought myself an old 03 SL 350 after lots of toying rounnd with the idea of 500's and 55's.
Don't collect it for another two weeks but i'm pretty pleased.
Occasional bits of standing water in places around the north of the M25 this evening. Light traffic. I thought I was doing a reasonable speed of 60mph, but still managed to aquaplane for a short distance... cue reduction of speed... (my tyres have 6mm+ tread)
However, there were plenty of...