Hi All,
I am sure I have read of the problem of the boot lid brake light lens falling off before but thought I would ask again if there were any reccomendations from other members where to get a replacement for a 2002 CLK320.
I have already epoxy resined it once and now am sure i need to...
My car is a 2001 petrol E320 Avant garde. I drove it to work this morning and all was fine, started it to come home at 4pm an the Engine diagnostic indicator lamp stayed on. when i got home i popped the bonnet and had a general fiddle, unplugged things and pluged them back in etc, then i noticed...
Hi Guys. Thought it would be easy to change the mirror glass and repeater blinkers in my passenger side door mirror on my W211 E Class, WRONG!! I unscrewed the three screws that hold the center mirror tilt mechamism, but could not get to the two screws that hold in the blinkers as the spring...
Hi All
On my C220 I say 2 Malfuntions last light,
Tail Light, L Check Lamp
Subsitute Lamp is on
I opened the boot and took the cover off switch the lights on but coulndt find a problem, the top bulbs are working fine, is there anything else I need to check?
Sorry if this is a stupid...
Had this come on yesterday and stay on. I realise this indicates an airbag problem, but was wondering whether anyone has had the same and managed to resolve it themselves? Presumably this just means there is a risk the airbag won't inflate (as opposed to inflating when I'm halfway along the...
In mycarI have 2 faults appear.
1- substitute brake light in use
2- substitute rear lamp light in use
Can these be changed by myself (novice:o) or does itneed to be done in a garage?
hi i been looking for fog lamp and grill inset for the new mercedes w204 new shape the only place i been was dealer and they asking to much for them ..... so has any one got any other place where i can get them....
and the car is look like this...thanx
The overhead lamp in my 2002 SLK won't go off! It has 2 switches side by side- an automatic lamp control switch that is supposed to switch the lamp off a few minutes after the doors are shut, and a simple manual on/off switch, but even with the manual switch, as well as the automatic switch, at...
My W124 has the bulb-not-working warning lamp on the dashboard on all the time (when side and/or headlights are switched on), even though all the bulbs are working OK.
Any ideas why this is, or can I disable this warning lamp somehow?
Recently I was in 1 month vacation and at return my 1995 C280 battery was dead. I live in Florida and this is the first time the battery goes dead.
I started the car with jumper cables. The first time everything was OK (everything on dashboard was fine). After the second start (also with...
Hi everybody,
I've got a 2001 SLK230.
Back in November 2008, my engine warning lamp came on which resulted in me having the engine loom, O2 sensor, part of the alternator replaced due to oil leaking into the loom. The new loom is a modified version which hopefully will prevent this...
I thought this maybe of use to other members (although I did see someone post about using a hair dryer before I couldn't find it again)
Both nr side headlamps suffered heavy condensation, the larger one has just been done -
Remove plastic cover from rear of head lamp pod then remove both...
I thought I would bring this to folks attention as it may affect quite a few MB models which are fitted with those integral head lamp washers.
I bought this mint W210 last week and although extremely well cared for both of the covers that are flush with the surrounding bodywork looked slightly...
Hi fellahs.
I'm sure that this has been asked before, but I'm pretty new to this forum.
One of my front log lamp bulbs has failed on my 1999 E300TD **********.
How do you get at it ... From the front or from the rear ?
It's all too low down for an old man like me.
But - I'm rarely-beaten.
dash f ailure lamp comes on ,ive changed lamp with known working one but offside brake light does not work,any ideas much appreciated.ive check wiring loom !and can hear a relay clicking beside spare wheel(e300td):confused:
Hi all ,
Having a bit of a clearout , and i have a nice Telstar Mathmos Lava Lamp i want to get rid of ...
It all works perfectly , the top cap has got a bit squashed but i have straightened it out pretty well. It has the cast alloy legs one of which is cast with the Mathmos logo onto it...
Hello all...
I have a 1989 W124 300TE which is in generally jolly sound nick. Recently, the dashboard bulb failure lamp has come on - intermittantly, on two or three occasions - when I switch on the lights. It comes on when I switch on sidelights but then goes off again when I switch on...