
  1. K

    RTX 3088 skype duelphone

    Guys, I have had this phone for nearly 4years now, recently it started to play up, turn itself off for no apparent reason, or sometimes you press a button, power goes off. Other times, it works normally??!! Could it be the 2x AAA rechargeable batteries failing? Or is it time for me to replace...
  2. Jukie

    Android 'phone & Skype

    Anyone using this combination? If so, how do you find it? Also, what cost is involved? Is it free to use on a mobile device? Does it use your free minutes or data allowance? Apologies, I'm a comlpete novice where Skype is concerned. TIA, David.
  3. grober

    Microsoft buy Skype.

    Yes Microsoft have bought Skype for £5.2 billion. BBC News - Microsoft confirms takeover of Skype
  4. W

    which webcam for skype type video calls?

    I'm looking for a webcam for skype, and am not sure what to look for. I want something cheap, but it must also work fairly well. I have seen some expensive ones that have a high resolution (several mega pixels at least), but I wonder if these would need a high bandwidth (perhaps more than I...
  5. gtione

    Skype over bluetooth??

    I have not had any luck in the electronics threads so here goes... I am yet to recieve my car but have a question about the command system. I have an Iphone 4 and on this I have installed Skype. My question is, if I can make skype calls over bluetooth the same way I would make normal calls...
  6. gtione

    Skype over bluetooth ??

    I am yet to recieve my car but have a question about the command system. I have an Iphone 4 and on this I have installed Skype. My question is, if I can make skype calls over bluetooth the same way I would make normal calls. Some systems do not allow this and will not transfer VOIP calls...
  7. Koolvin

    3 Skype phone

    As title :) need to give it to my folks
  8. WLeg

    Skype - Wifi Phone

    Anyone used one ? recommendations ? Also, anyone on Skype Pro ? reason - going to Miami for 2 weeks... need to stay in touch...and appear in the UK.......
  9. Swiss Toni

    SKYPE Newbie - Where do I start?!

    I have tried reading the threads on here about Internet phones, but quickly get lost as folks talk about VOIP and DECT and other foreign words... :confused: I look at my monthly phone bill and see that my wife has called her mother and sister twice a day every day (and I called for a Pizza...
  10. M

    Skype - VOIP - Engin and other internet phones

    I would like some opinions on VOIP broadband systems. I have been looking at new and to-be-released products for internet phone calls. I notice that the two competing products are 1) Skype phones - some are USB to your PC and others are emerging as stand alone WiFI phones with no PC...
  11. F

    Who's all on skype then?

    Who's all on skype then ? following on from that other thread.
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