Noticed a few very fine cracks in one of my fiberglass skirts on my 209, could these be cleaned out with thinners (scored with a Stanley knife?) and filled with touch up paint, then sanded down and compounded after a few days, or is that just too easy to be true?
Sorry to bother you with this.
My Mrs. is addicted to Spider Solitaire as supplied with Win XP, Vista, 7 etc. I've just bought her a new laptop as her old one is knackered and it came with 8.1 - no Spider Solitaire. You would think the sky had fallen in.
I've looked at various solutions online...
Not actually a spider, but a bunch of cables, USB, SD, IPOD, + another one??
any ideas what ive to use them for, stuch a memory stick in the usb, nothing came up anywhere?
Has anyone fitted one of the above tuning boxs? Have fitted them to my last two cars but never an automatic, does it make any differance it being an auto?
Cheers Kev
CLK 270
I got 2007 C200CDI and i wanna get some more power, nothing extreme
its just that 136HP isnt enough
i wanna do some basic stuff first to get the most bang for the buch HP
so i was thing about tuning box as first,
did some search and i see the spider tuning box got good reviews
does anyone...
For sale is my Spider Adaptive tuning box for a 320CDi engines.
I bought this for my CLS 320, but never got round to fitting it, and probably wont considering I drive it so little.
Its brand new, although probably over a year old.
Spider tuning also do a scheme where you can return it...
Local to me a Ferrari Driver in his early 40's was killed. His 15 year old daughter was thrown clear and managed to telephone for help. Local paper said that it was well alight and upside down in a ditch. No other car was involved.
Ferrari Crash on A50
Oh lucky me... a spider has decided to crawl into my instrument cluster and pop it's clogs just under my odometer :crazy: I've given the cluster a few good knocks to see if I can raise him but he's definitely gone... bless!!!
In an attempt to lay the wee chap to rest properly I've searched...