How exactly can you confirm it?
PWM is only an ordinary industry method of encoding an analogue signal as series of digital pulses. No magic.
So to say it's 'key to the operation' in something today doesn't ring true. It's just a ubiquitous method of transmitting analogue information or power.
It sounded out of place to me too as I only knew of it from sound synthesis. So with the caveat that I claim no expertise on the subjects of PWM or transmissions-
The importance of PWM in this transmission is that it's used to control a PWM solenoid valve which regulates the hydraulic pressure on the torque convertor clutch to control slip/lockup.
Extract from MB Vehicle Communication Software Manual for the 722.6 :
Used on the EGS system. This parameter indicates the state of the electronic transmission control module (ETC) output commands to the PWM (pulse width modulated) solenoid valve.This valve engages the torque converter lockup clutch. The solenoid converts a PWM signal into a corresponding regulated pressure (see SHIFT VALVE DUTY CYCLE for more information).
CLOSED means that the ETC is sending a duty cycle greater than 80% to the PWM solenoid, thus engaging the torque converter lockup clutch.
SLIP means that the ETC is sending a duty cycle between 10 and 80 percent to the PWM solenoid, setting the torque converter lockup clutch to its regulating position.
OPEN means that the ETC is sending a duty cycle of 0 percent to the PWM solenoid, shutting off the torque converter lockup clutch.
SHIFT VALVE DUTY CYCLE_________________0 to 100%
Used on the EGS system. This parameter displays torque converter PWM solenoid duty cycle in percent (not shift valve). The PWM solenoid valve with defined slippage, controls the operating phase of the torque converter lockup clutch. A duty cycle of 80 percent or greatermeans that the torque converter is fully locked up.
Article on PWM Solenoid Theory-
Pulse Width Modulation Solenoid Theory and Operation | TLX Technologies