We assume climate change is a load of rubbish and do nothing and it turns out that it was actually a problem. The earth is stuffed.
Not quite. In a million years or so, a snapshot of the 4.3 billion years that earth has been revolving evolving, we will likely have beggered off and left new evolved species to enjoy the place w/o our destructive influence.
The earth will be a new type of habitat and better w/o us.
But we think the earth was fabricated in 6 days just for us. Most find the idea of earth w/o 'umans unthinkable.
I’m undecided on climate change but would prefer the second option for the future of the planet just incase those sceintists are right.
Well sort of. But scientist's are paid. That can create a conflict of interest, assuming the interest be the truth.
So might I suggest the sentence might be more accurate as "in case the politician's are right", they being the policy makers, they being most often the one's with their hands in the honey pot of influence and money.
Being cynical I now question all the experts that are feasibly persuaded by personal gain, if I have time.
Remember the great lettuce famine of a few years ago because of unusual weather events in Spain?
Did they build a big ship to sail to America to get their own?
Sorry poor taste in sarcasm I'm sure.
Personally I see that climate change must be affected / exaggerated by mans industrialisation.
I feel for more than the humans living on this place. Much more probably cos our continual abuse is somewhat self deserving of a slapped ass.
Similar to comment/s above. Any chance of us rebalancing our effect is a total waste of flippin' time as long as we are happy to export pollution. Planting a tree don't so it.
I'm like most in that I want big telly, drive everywhere in me diesel at low cost, and frown upon those that have multitudes of kids that'll need disposable nappies, need schools building, hospitals, hi rise posh flats, choke the roads........
The pretend to do something fed us by our bleeders will just make the lives of those underlings already here more difficult.
If there were an aim for a significant population reduction in the future then proportionally more problems than pollution would be reduced.
Why there is no realistic chance is that more tax, and everyone pays tax, is more power to Gov't's to abuse.
Then there are the nations that couldn't realistically control birth rates if they tried, India haven't tried of course and China decided to build new and big to accommodate their massive population, and no longer dictate the 1 child policy.
Doomed a' tell yee.