Dave Bailey
Active Member
I have a '98 C280 V6 that does some odd things from time to time. After reading through some of the other threads on the forum, I'm beginning to think that the MAS could be the culprit. The symptoms are that occasionally, I will experience very jerky shifts between 1st and 2nd gears. Downshifts are often worse than upshifts. This seems to happen more often if I get stuck in traffic. Also, the car sometimes refuses to pull cleanly in 2nd gear. It doesn't matter if I manually select 2nd or kick down into it, the car hesitates and wheezes its way up to about 5000-ish rpm. It won't pull to the red. Once into third gear though, she pulls like a train. The final observation is that kick down itself can be an unpredictable business, sometimes it works correctly, other times nothing happens at all. The gearbox oil and filters were changed about 25k back, so things ought to be ok in that department. Does this sound like classic MAS failure on the horizon, or should I be looking elsewhere? If I should check the MAS, is there a fairly easy home spannermans method, perhaps some visual indication its condition? Finally, I've seen some references to the possibility of cleaning the MAS. Is this a viable option, or will cleaning attempts merely send it to an early grave? All suggestions will be greatly appreciated as usual. This problem is driving me nuts.
Thanks in advance,

Thanks in advance,