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Anti-McLaren / Pro Ferrari strip Lewis of win

I guess the FIA (Ferrari insider Association) doesn't want any overtaking in a sport that can be a boring precession. FIXED CRAP
Agreed Dryce.

Lets not blame Kimi here. It was hard racing and he gave it his best. Unfortunately he is not up to it in the rain in that car and it was proven.

"IF"... Kimi had finished second, then perhaps the penalty might be justified as Hamilton "Might have" gained an advantage over Kimi.(??) That manouver however did NOT gain him an advantage (or certainly not 25 seconds worth) over Massa....so to let someone who clearly did not win and was not even in contention of winning is clearly wrong IMO.

This is the part that stinks of Ferrari involvement in the FIA.
Such a shame; those last few laps were very entertaining indeed. It really stinks.

I honestly don't know why any penalty has to be applied at all - these guys were racing, something that is often forgotten these days in F1
Don't taint KR with this. He's not the sort.

not tainting him, just saying for such an f1 driver. he cannot drive in the wet. ducking and diving weaving from side to side trying to break the tow from lewis was illegal and dangerous and crying to mummy is my way of saying he went into the wall sulking, not running to the FIA
Have Ferrari or Kimi posted a reaction?

Again a well driven race messed about with to the detriment of the fans watching so that sponsors can pick up a few browny points.

I will think very hard about watching in future or even going to the British GP next year. Can the fans appeal to the FIA too?

Come on Bernie get this crap sorted out and sack the FIA and introduce a fairer system for all the teams
he cannot sack the FIA. F1 is just one of many sports the FIA administer
he can if he wants, he owns f1. so he can do what he wants and setup a new body to deal with f1 on its own. without f1 the fia would have no money.
If this was a dtm or btc race I am sure the results would have stood
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he can if he wants, he owns f1. so he can do what he wants and setup a new body to deal with f1.
If this was a dtm or btc race I am sure the results would have stood

so he owns F1? thats a new one. we learn everyday.
i thought it was FOM
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I didn't say he owns the FIA just F1, he owns the rights and deals with the teams and tracks. He has enough clout to change the sport and the decsions made. He would not want the fans to be let down. He want make any money. In turn the FIA are partially funded by F1 so it makes sense to bring them into line and of that means starting a new governing body so be it. There are many sports that have more than one body that you can sign up to so why not motor sport.
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He has enough clout to change the sport and the decsions made. He would not want the fans to be let down.


Quite happy to dump Silverstone and Spa. Two of the fans' favourite circuits.

So I think you'll find Bernie may have an interesting view of who he thinks the fans are and how they should be exploited to support his business.

And remember the Indianopolis six car race debacle? One might have thought that if Bernie had the capability and desire to wield power that might have been a suitable moment to wave a magic wand. Either he couldn't or wouldn't.
Don't think petitions will cut it. If on the other hand the entire UK F1 audience was simply to refuse to watch the live coverage of the next couple of races in protest , that would make the money men sit up and take notice. After today's debacle not too difficult for many F1 fans I should think.
Bernie is only interested in money, and as for the FIA, if I think about what Max Mosely is interested I'll probably see my dinner again

Don't think petitions will cut it. If on the other hand the entire UK F1 audience was simply to refuse to watch the live coverage of the next couple of races in protest , that would make the money men sit up and take notice. After today's debacle not too difficult for many F1 fans I should think.
Hi Graeme,
I don't think Bernie gives a flying fig about the UK audience and it is my believe he is desperate to remove the UK Grand Prix from the calendar. As others have already stated Eccles-cake has only one interest in all this and that is money. Look at the countries that are getting a race and look how they treat this demi-god. Use of the Presidential car along with the police cavalcade, streets named after him....... and being treated like a head of state:eek: :mad: :mad: When this man got his feet soiled in mud, then Silverstone's fate was sealed.

Formula 1 drivers need the FIA as there career in this section of motor sport is relatively short and they will need a licence to compete in all the other formulae but F1 has its own licence and is clearly more to do with a circus than a sport. Of course Eccles-cake could have made any decision regarding the Indianapolis fiasco and to highlight my point, just think back to the Chinese Grand Prix. A number of drivers alleged the circuit was breaking up and they deemed it to be dangerous. Did this man consult with the FIA? No...... he publicly stated it was his decision that they should race, and race they would. Me thinks if this had been at Silverstone then perhaps the outcome may well have been different.

Yes McLaren may appeal and hopefully there appeal will be upheld, but just remember where McLaren makes it money. It is not from the sale of its road cars, I doubt their profits from that outlet could have paid the huge fine dished out by the FIA :o :o

Ferrari supporters will be loving this and I would love to hear their explanations and just remember when I was highlighting this behaviour when smuck face was racing, I was told I was simply anti Ferrari and anti smuck face. Wrong.

I also object to the criticism regarding Raikkonen's wet weather driving expertise. This person is a World champion and is no slouch in any driving conditions be they wet, dry, or even ice racing. In the past I have been hugely critical of Massa but can it be that there is a problem with the Ferrari? Is there a design, or software issue that makes this car so twitchy in adverse conditions? Is Massa so bad in adverse conditions or is it a poor handling car?

Historically there has always been issues between McLaren and the FIA, right back to its conception and one Ayrton Senna :devil: :) :)

Just my thoughts and fingers crossed McLaren get justice and fingers crossed we retain a British Grand Prix.
There may be a problem with the ferrari in the wet, granted but no need to stuff it into the wall. massa did not and that fiasco in monaco with sutil was just amateur skills. granted they were spinning like tops in silverstone but did kimi not stuff his mclaren right up someones backside in hungary 2006? in the wet again?
Interesting post John.
I've been watching F1 for about 20 years now, more so in the last 10 years as I get older ;)
I think I understand it better as I get a little older. But I can't remember it being so governed buy 'rules'.
It went through a bad patch of the 'processions' and now as we just start to come out of that we have this! :crazy:
I'll keep watching but it does baffle me sometimes :o . It'll be intersesting when Kubica and Lewis start properlly racing against each other:rock: , I think Robert is a potentiall champ!
There may be a problem with the ferrari in the wet, granted but no need to stuff it into the wall. massa did not and that fiasco in monaco with sutil was just amateur skills. granted they were spinning like tops in silverstone but did kimi not stuff his mclaren right up someones backside in hungary 2006? in the wet again?
Massa has an awful reputation for driving in adverse conditions. I think we can all cite cases of drivers clouting others in wet conditionhs. smuck-face and Coultard!

Ferrari can do no wrong and it is plain wrong but at the moment we are really screaming foul because the local stewards have punished McLaren. Thney were at the circuit, they saw the incident, someone cried foul and they made a judgement taking into account all the facts. Will the FIA overturn the decision? Should they overturn it?

I still maintain that all the teams should be using the same fuel and do not agree with the amazing set-up that looks after Ferrari. It is wrong but as usual the rules were changed to allow it to take place.

Kimi is a great driver and I do not accept he cannot drive in the wet but pressure can do strange things. Don't forget that last year Hamilton entered the last Grand Prix leading the World Champiuonship... pressure can do strange things.

Will Ferrari now be introducing team orders? (it would make sense and I would fully endorse it)

I have long had a problem with F1; Austria (I forget the year) being the main catalyst. Remember when Barichello pulled up on the line to let Schumacher take the win?

Every once in a while I get an urge to watch again, and this race was one such event. I was gripped, and as people have said on here before, the last few laps were the most entertaining in many years. Finally - F1 had provided me with some entertainment.

Then we learned that the result had been changed, and I was robbed of that entertainment.

I don't believe McLaren have a fair chance in this 'sport'. If I were Santander and Vodafone, I would be protesting to the FIA and F1 and making very loud and public noises to the effect that I was pulling out of F1 unless we see this put straight. Since money is all that matters in F1, maybe this would make the right people actually sit up and take notice. Fat chance!

At least now there is no doubt what 'F' in FIA stands for. Well actually there is - it's either an Italian expletive, or the word 'f***ing'.

A terrible day for motorsport. :(
I hear what you say John but dissagree with your "someone cried foul" statement. According to the ITV F1 Site (if you believe them) No one cried foul. Certainly not Ferrari. They did not protest over the manouver but were called to give their opinion after the race.

If Ferrari did not shout about this first then they clearly believed Hami gave the place back to Kimi fairly. Those are the rules and the rules were obeyed. We are now talking about another excuse of "were they obeyed enough".. It just seems like the FIA make it up as they go along. What consitutes obeying the rule. Does it state the offender needs to give the other driver a 10 second lead back or just the place. In the wet the Mclaren is clearly better than the Ferrari so why should they penalised for this. It would not have mattered if he had given him a 10 second lead because he would have gone past him on the next straight or at the next corner anyway.

As I said in my earlier post, Hami could have only had a advantage over Kimi so why does a fellow Ferrari driver reap the reward. Fair enough to give a place back to the aggrieved but this is not the case as Kimi did not finish anyway.!
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