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Beautiful Evening - Hmmmmmm

One suspects that hairy mammoths would exist in this part of the world, possibly roaming the beaches in their Gucci bikini's. Breasts hanging like spaniels ears as they forage for a mate.

What did you expect? It's Kent - 10% garden of England, 90% land of the Chavs...
On a more serious note:

Does anybody understand the need to wear your trousers in a manner that makes you look like you have dunged your underpants?

It does appear (and I have not studied this) that these creatures who dress like this, have had to perfect a style of walking last employed by neanderthal man, just to keep gravity from doing it's job.

I swear to you that some of these guys did look remarkably like early Javanese man. The sloping forehead, mono-eyebrow, low moaning grunts to communicate. Had they lit a fire out of sticks and killed a hairy mammoth for sustenance I think nobody there would have been in the slightest surprised.

One suspects that hairy mammoths would exist in this part of the world, possibly roaming the beaches in their Gucci bikini's. Breasts hanging like spaniels ears as they forage for a mate.

It's to do with the gangsta kulture. Belts aren't allowed in jail. For the same reason some impressionable yoots don't use shoelaces.
Oh I get it now. So the idea is took like you are in a prison on suicide watch. Cool.

In some parts of this Sceptred Isle, that is considered aspirational.
This evening I decided to make the most of the warm weather. SO me the wife and my two daughters bundled into the car and headed off on a short but pleasant drive to Minster Beach. Minster Beach is located on the Island of Sheppey in Kent.

We park up in the Car Park and are out enjoying the view and the sea breeze. We then hear in the distance a crump crump crump sound and each crump is getting worryingly louder. Convinced it may be a WWII Blitz re-enactment I tried to look for the approaching Heinkels as they dropped their bombs. No luck, nothing to see. By now others in the car park were also looking worried, some had gathered their children close for safety. By now you could actually feel the air distorting as the pressure waves increased with every CRUMP CRUMP. Then it appeared.

A Vauxhall Nova that appeared to have it's entire body shell and windows being torn apart as it violently expanded and shrunk back CRUMP CRUMP.

Oh yes. This was the loudest most impersonal stereo I have ever heard in my life. Holy Moly - WTF is going on. This acne clad group of turds then proceeded to park up and leave their Boom Boom racket going at ear bleeding levels.

My piles fell off. I swear there was a guy who's ears were bleeding. Then (and I am not making this up) They were joined by other cars (also full of turds) who were in competition CRUMP BOOM BOOM THUD THUD CRUMP.

We left as my wife was developing blurred vision and the kids were starting to loose the balance as the earth below them vibrated.

Why can I not legally kill these people. Who designed them? Do their baseball caps actually come of their heads? Why do they have to show their underpants to everybody. Can they not afford a decent belt or some string to hold their trousers up.

Some of these turds looked like they had been force fed boiled sweets from a catapult at a young age. Either that or an accidental discharge from a 12 bore full of buck shot had caught them full in the chops.

So youth of Sheppey. We salute you. Thank you for ruining my evening.

A few phone calls to the police re disturbance of the peace might have resulted in BiB turning up and looking over their cars .
Well at least they aren't shotting up on street corners or mugging people. Or both.
Itl be easy to catch them with the CCTV of their cars lol.

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