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C220 Diesel Take 3 Attempts To Start Every Morning


New Member
Jan 12, 2006
Hello there, I have a Mercedes C220 Diesel year 1996. Well, it takes nearly 3 attempts to start the car every morning and it remains a good starter during the rest of the day. I have had the glow plugs checked and they seem good. I have it check and they think it might be air lock in the return fuel pipe line. Is this true? Is the garage trying to rip me off? What can this cause be and the remedy please. I would be very greatful for the help. Thank you all.
Well if theres an airlock, just disconnect that pipe and turn the engine over, then reconnect once the air has passed.
Air in the return pipe is a red herring, unless there is severe back pressure in the pipe. The return pipe is to act as a self bleed pipe so any air returns to the top of the tank.
A diesel only needs two things to fire, good compression and decent fuel spray.
I suspect an air leak in the supply pipe.

If the engine has done very high mileage a compression check might be in order. Also have the supply to teh glow plugs checked as well as the plugs themselves.
c220 diesel needs nearly 3 attempts to start. PLZ HELP URGENT

:crazy: Hello there, I will try to explain exactly the problems I am having with my C220 diesel year 1996.

1. Well the first attempt, the car starts immediately, runs for about 15 secs and dies.

2. Second attempt the car starts and stops immediately
3. Third attempt the car starts and stay running. It stays perfect during the rest of the day, no problems. It only gives trouble when it is left overnight and car is being starting in the morning.

I have been suggested that there might be air bubbles in the return line or leak in the supply fuel line. Is there anyone who can help me with the help of a diagram, possible checks I can make and rectify this problem.

Thank you all and please get back to me asap.
Regards. :mad:
this is a common problem on the c220 diesel the diesel pump loses vacuum overnight allowing diesel to run back to the tank the car is actually pumping the fuel back up hence the 3 times remedy is to have the diesel pump seals replaced

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