My C220CDI was purchased in March 2002. I haven't had any problems with the ignition switch. However recently I started hearing noises (like loose wheels) from the front. Took the car in to the Mercedes Garage and they idendified the noise straight away and told me it was coming from the Anti Roll bar drop links which have to be renewed. This apparently is a common problem (must be poor design) and there is worldwide shortage of the modified replacement parts. The Mercedes Garage asked me to ring in about two weeks to see if they have the parts in stock. Any body else had the same problems?
Hi I Have A 2000 W Reg 112 K Full Serv Hist 220 Cdi With An Intermittent Starting Problem - Startsall Day Every Time 1st Time Then Turn The Key And Engine Turns Over & Wont Start All The Light All Normal - Give It 2/3 Minutes After 5/6 Attempts And Then Starts Any Ideas - Thanks