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C43 AMG Gear change


MB Enthusiast
Sep 23, 2004
Ontario, Canada
2009 C300 4Matic, 2012 Kia Sportage, 2015 Triumph Tiger800 XCX
Just recently I have not been overly happy with the gear change on the car. The best way to decribe it would be that it has become a bit lazy.

First to 2nd generally change smooth. Under medium to hard acceleration the change 2nd to 3rd between the change the revs rise slightly before the gear engages fully.
3rd to 5th Generally ok

Changing back down the gears on slowing down at a junction and pulling away there is again an increase in revs and the an abrupt change down into 2nd. Not very smooth at all.

I have read various things and was wondering if it is worth getting the oil changed. Also I have read that the mas can effect how the gearbox acts.

Any ideas and thoughts also where to get the gearbox oil changed in the midlands area. MB of Derby want £250+VAT.

Shaun, if you want a trip up here and supply the bits i would do it for you. PM if interested :D
It cost me about £130 for an oil change when I had mine done by a local specialist so unless you particularly want MB I would suggest that be a target figure.

Have you had a rummage around underneath to see if there any signs of a leak? Mine had a leaking O ring from a (the) plug in sensor.
I had mine done at the last service just for peace of mind. i am sure the changes are a weeny bit smoother as a result.
Only charged for 1/2 hours labour and oil, all together about £100
I had it done at Star Motors in Caverhsam (Reading)
They are an hour from my home but do a great job and they don't charge the earth.
Plus I get the bonus of an E reg 190 with 200k on the clock as the loan car- amazing as it still drives so well.:rock:

On a related point, i had my MAF sensor changed recently and prior to that gearchanges had sometimes been a bit lumpy- not as bad as you mention but i felt the improvement after the change.


I was wondering if it could be MAF related as well. Hmm probably a bit of both.
Hi Shaun,
Did you manage to sort this problem? Do you still have the car or did you manage to sell it, if not I may be interested if you still have it in 4 weeks?


MAF or Oil, maybe a little low... worth getting checked!
Thmsshaun said:
I was wondering if it could be MAF related as well. Hmm probably a bit of both.

I had jerky changes on the E55, changed the gearbox oil to no avail, but a MAS cured it!
gearbox service charge 40% discount on all labour

i have had a quote from mercedes of bristol (jun 17) M5.

£160 for the gearbox service,

but for all you merc owners out there TONY PURSLOW mercedes benz of basingstoke near reading have a deal that all cars over 6 years old will incur a 40% discount on all labour and free MOT's.

there number is 01256 464 050. there scheme is called platinum plus.

please tell them you got this info from Just Bentleys in Bristol.

maybe the gearbox oil needs to be changed? if not take if for a total oil change and it shall sort out ur problem. had it with my C280 sport, easily fixed. If it is neither of these, get a diagnosis test run on it

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