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Can Mercedes Benz Survive in UK market ?

Who knows or cares?

But I agree with your sentiment re this thread :)

I’m with you DSM. He did stir up a bit, but for those handful of times he was needed.......’Golden’!
Mercedes will survive, The UK market is its 3 or 4 th biggest market.
Merc changed 15 years ago by introducing models to fit every class of person, like BMW (Eclass, Sclass and SL vis a vis 3 series, 5 series and 7). Now there is class and series galore amking the brand more affordable.
20 years ago everyone would look at a new MB or Merc with a degree of envy, now no one gives a kahoot.

Mercesed biggest issue is they are pioneers of pertol burning motors, they have to adopt EV or hydrogen or they are doomed, they will do it, They have a biggest customer base and reputation that people will buy, they may dip, but will they die in the UK doubt it.
Waa hooo! We got a live one here! That’s fighting’ talk! 🥷

Ahhh, you’re one of them, OK to express your opinion, but not OK for others to express their differing opinions 🙃

You are indeed entitled to express your opinion, even if it is wrong! 😑🤣

I’m sure if MB decide to ‘do a Mitsubishi’ and leave the UKDM for their Renault colleagues to mop up, it will be their own decision.

Crikey, sounds like a bit of a lemon. Is it a car you’ve bought? If so did you not have an inspection by yourself or a professional before you bought it?
Hi , the car was new when purchased from Mercedes Benz and used by me as a company car for 18 months.
I then purchased the car from the company and have owned the car since then.

As explained before I have been in the motor trade and know many key contacts to help with any issues.

A mates mate called me up who used to work for a now long gone MB dealer and suggested that I have he car inspected to check for rust and break pipe corrosion.

He says these underbody trays cause and hide problems that if not caught early can write a car off.
Another excuse to start a pointless thread as the OP seems obsessed with cars falling apart from corrosion?
Hi , A members 2016 E63 has started rusting on the rear subframe

Brake line corrosion on above car

The above were MOT advisories carried out by MB dealer for

Mercedes considering selling UK dealerships.
Hi , A members 2016 E63 has started rusting on the rear subframe

Brake line corrosion on above car

The above were MOT advisories carried out by MB dealer for

Mercedes considering selling UK dealerships.
One car. Hardly statistical evidence of widespread failure.
As for fleet sales, this is a highly competitive market, and the requirements for success there are very different.

I reckon fleet sales will only grow for Merc in the future of EVs and whatnot. Once they have an EQA out (or whatever they end up calling the EV A-Class) you'll get people offered company cars with low BiK rates and super cheap leases paid for out of pre-tax money and they have a choice, you can have a VW ID.3 or a Nissan Leaf or a Mercedes EQA, lease rate virtually identical for all and BiK just as low... what do you think most people will go for if offered a Nissan or a Merc for the same price?

Especially considering maintenance is not really a concern if you're getting a company car, for the deal I get through my employer at least the lease just covers it.

Bit of a no brainer really. The main competition will be from Tesla but there's plenty who still view Mercedes as the more prestigious brand. Also, I like Tesla myself, but even I have to admit the interiors are... sparse to say the least, even in a Model S. Look at the EQS interior compared to a Model S, no contest, if you want luxury Merc is the way to go.

But even if we just look at the present, the A-Class has become the most popular hatchback in the UK. I don't doubt a large part of this is due to the fact you can get super cheap lease rates from your net income through your employer and pay only 7% BiK with the A250e.

When they launch a wider range of EVs this market will only keep booming.
A mates mate called me up who used to work for a now long gone MB dealer and suggested that I have he car inspected to check for rust and break pipe corrosion.

He says these underbody trays cause and hide problems that if not caught early can write a car off.
This is true, and I can recall reading a well recommended indy advising the value of removing the underbody trays, especially those running down under the wings and checking for corrosion. I'd go further an add its worth looking behind the front and rear wheel arch protective covers and doing an annual clean up.

But..............I don't see any of these points causing the demise of Mercedes as a brand in the UK. The very fact they are throwing their expertise into EV's shows they are ahead in planning for the future.
If anything, due to PCP and making a large percentage of models an AMG Line, Mercedes has become even more popular over the years.
As the bodies are galvanised these days why couldn't they have galvanised the sub frames as well instead of making them from poorly protected, poor quality steel.
Hi 190 ,

Quite agree with your sentiments but galvanising requires a paint top coat to improve rust resistantace.

I am afraid in Mercedes case it down to keeping shareholders content.
Hi , bet you would go to the top of the mountain and scream your head off its your car.

Mercedes have produced rust buckets between when Chrysler ran the business.
Do not presume to guess what my or others actions would be.

I certainly would not "go to the top of the mountain and scream"! to use your rather emotive phrase.
To go back a couple of posts to the subject of the underbody trays, here's the contents of the nearside one on my S204; better out than in!
Hi , it looks as if you work for Mercedes to me.

Do you live your life based on idiotic assumptions formed by no reliable evidence?

I cannot be bothered to engage with you any further. You clearly lack the intelligence required for any form of meaningful debate

Thankfully the ignore button will mean that I will not see any more of your drivel. 🙄
Hi , strange that certain members like to dish out stick but cannot take any adverse comments back.

Am I intelligent who knows but Mensa thinks I am.

Just forgot you won't be reading this !

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