No Biscuit
New Member
Just thought I would add my perspective on some of things mentioned in this thread. I am a manager of a car valet/wash. Not I hasten to add the one referred to in this thread.
I suspect most of the people here (on forum)tend to care more about their cars then the general public as a rule do. I would say that 95% of the cars we wash have no wax/polish on them when they come in. These are also the people that will complain when bird crap or insects mark their paintwork permanently yet totally fail to understand when you explain why its happened and think you are making excuses for doing a poor job.
We wash/valet/detail over 200 cars a week. There is a lot of bad press about car washs, mainly because people use cheap ones, offering a wash for 3.50 and a valet for £9, you get what you pay for basically.
Yes, we use TFR prepared according to the manufacturer’s instruction, but it is used sparingly and as a rule not sprayed over the entire car, however we will also wash the car as specified by the owner. Within limits of course and we have refused what we deem to be unreasonable or obsessive requests.
We also take care and assess each car so that we will not cause damage to paintwork(older red vauxhalls and the like) and if in doubt will not use TFR.
The OP pictures of TFR burn on the window/door trim thingy looks to me like someone not having a clue what they are doing or not paying attention.
And... Dont get me started about lifeshines/supergard/guardX and the like.
I suspect most of the people here (on forum)tend to care more about their cars then the general public as a rule do. I would say that 95% of the cars we wash have no wax/polish on them when they come in. These are also the people that will complain when bird crap or insects mark their paintwork permanently yet totally fail to understand when you explain why its happened and think you are making excuses for doing a poor job.
We wash/valet/detail over 200 cars a week. There is a lot of bad press about car washs, mainly because people use cheap ones, offering a wash for 3.50 and a valet for £9, you get what you pay for basically.
Yes, we use TFR prepared according to the manufacturer’s instruction, but it is used sparingly and as a rule not sprayed over the entire car, however we will also wash the car as specified by the owner. Within limits of course and we have refused what we deem to be unreasonable or obsessive requests.
We also take care and assess each car so that we will not cause damage to paintwork(older red vauxhalls and the like) and if in doubt will not use TFR.
The OP pictures of TFR burn on the window/door trim thingy looks to me like someone not having a clue what they are doing or not paying attention.
And... Dont get me started about lifeshines/supergard/guardX and the like.