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Continuous insurance

This will make it critically important to ensure there are no published pictures of your car showing its registration in my opinion. I imagine the market for cloned plates is going to grow beyond anything we've seen yet. Silver E350 sir? Here you go, a nice registration guaranteed not to be detected by ANPR.

I appreciate people can still achieve the same by actually seeing your car, but I'll bet some unscrupulous individuals are already trawling the web and assembling their lists. Of course you can also get the same info from the DVLA and MID web sites. Brilliant... we're going spy on you more and more, we're going to invade your privacy beyond reason, we're going to take away your fundamental human rights AND we're going to make it easier all the time for people to misuse all the information we have on you.

As others have said, this is just going to be giant inconvenience for the law abiding and do absolutely nothing to stop the fraud.

Stupid, pathetic, mindless idiots!
One example...

Classic Car Insurance for Laid Up Cars | SORN Classic Car Insurance

I'm sure there must be others.

Still doesn't make this ridiculous change in the law OK though. If indeed it is a change in the law and not the DVLA thinking it can make it up as it goes along.

Thing is, that is for cars that are SORN'd. If the car is taxed, it will need third party insurance at least, with fire/theft/comprehensive being at the keeper's discretion. The point of the new legislation is to ensure that the car is insured to be driven if it is taxed.
If they made SORN a free on line application, that would solve a lot of problems.
Just saw this thread, so I'm a little late to the party... but this is truly bad news for me!

I have quite a few bikes, and quite frankly, don't like SORN'ing any of them. My road tax and insurance do not coincide... so what I used to do (before primo) was to insure them for the summer, and ride during the summer. During winter, they would be tucked away in the garage... taxed, but not insured (house insurance covers them there). Come the next summer, I just needed another 3 months of insurance to use them.

What this means is that every september/october, I will need to return several tax disks, declare all those SORN (and lose up to a month's worth of tax as they refund you only full months). Come the next summer, I then need to re-tax all those bikes, and wait for the disks to come through...

While I'm always pleased with any move to reduce the number of uninsured scrotes on the road, this doesn't seem liek the most effective solution...

Just saw this thread, so I'm a little late to the party... but this is truly bad news for me!

I have quite a few bikes, and quite frankly, don't like SORN'ing any of them. My road tax and insurance do not coincide... so what I used to do (before primo) was to insure them for the summer, and ride during the summer. During winter, they would be tucked away in the garage... taxed, but not insured (house insurance covers them there). Come the next summer, I just needed another 3 months of insurance to use them.

What this means is that every september/october, I will need to return several tax disks, declare all those SORN (and lose up to a month's worth of tax as they refund you only full months). Come the next summer, I then need to re-tax all those bikes, and wait for the disks to come through...

While I'm always pleased with any move to reduce the number of uninsured scrotes on the road, this doesn't seem liek the most effective solution...


By keeping them taxed all nine months that you are not using them will, surely, cost far more than the month you might lose by SORN.
For a car kept (but not used) on a public road, it's only been required that it displays a valid tax disc. If your insurance happened to expire before your tax disc did, it wasn't an issue (although you could, of course, be left with a big bill if your car was hit by an unisured driver, or one who didn't stop). Now it is.

I missed this thread first time round, but the above is NOT correct.
If the car is kept on the road, it must be insured. That's been the case for a long time.

By the way, the new continuous insurance regulation is already in place (it was signed on the 4th February) and it will start being enforced from April.
By keeping them taxed all nine months that you are not using them will, surely, cost far more than the month you might lose by SORN.

Previously, yes... which is why I used to have short term insurance for most vehicles to only cover the periods I used them...

Nowadays I'm with Primo... so they're all taxed (well, almost... 1 or 2 still need to move over... but they're in the garage pending a respray, so I'm not worried) all year without any additional cost...


EDIT: Just trealised you said tax and not insurance! Yes... and no... previously, I would just pay £200 per year for road tax (ish). Now, I would pay more. Say I want to ride the ducati this weekend. So I get 2 days of insurance, head over to the post office saturday morning, get a tax disk for 6 months. Come Sunday night, I declare it SORN and send the disk back, getting a refund for 5 months. Say I did this 4 weekends in a row, that would be 4 "months" of tax paid in a month...

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1. If your car is on the road - then it must be taxed and insured.
2. If your car is not on the road - then it must be taxed and insured - OR......
3. If your car is not on the road and is declared SORN - then it does not need to be insured.

Where's the problem ? ?

Insurance is only compulsory if your car is not SORN.

Also, from this date, ALL cars have to be either Taxed and Insured - OR - declared SORN. You cannot now hide a car away under a cover in a locked garage and it not be be taxed or SORN. That would now be against the law.
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Pain in the a** for me
We have number 1 sons car off the road at the moment.
A repair needed, coupled with not actually being needed at the moment, coupled with number 1 son moving house on 1st July.
Insurance expired 12th June. Don't want to reinsure on that day as they will then charge an amendment fee to change his address 2 weeks later.
So, new insurance has been taken out to commence 1st July and car currently sits (taxed but not insured) in my back garden out of site of the road.
New law enforcement means it should be SORN and the tax disc returned.
What nonsence - we would then need to re-tax it 10 days later!

So, I tried phoning DVLA for advice. Initially spoke (after pressing button x several times & being on hold for about 10 mins) to a real person who advised that they couldn't help as there is a special number to call for this type of query.

So phoned the special number - option 1 seemed to fit my query, so pressed button 1 only to be played recorded messages which were not relevant. No option to return to main menu.

Phoned special number again - option 6 this time. Recorded message stated that they were busy & could take between 5 & 10 minutes to answer the call. This message was repeated every few minutes. After 40 minutes on hold, I gave up.

Just hoping now that their systems are to busy to issue £100 fines before 1st July.
I purchased my former company car on 1st June , when it was replaced with a new one. Drove it back home , then the company had it removed from their insurance. It has since been parked on my drive , and will be taken to the auctions next week by a friend who is in the motor trade. So technically as of yesterday i am in breach of the law ? Yet i have a car which has tax , m.o.t. and has never been driven without insurance.:wallbash:

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