Hum-didly-day.... (thats whats left of my brain attempting to spell...)
J2ME isn't sorted, but I don't have anymore uncaught exceptions and I can throw gloves at people and get the accelerometer data on a mobile phone, whoop-dee-doo (now to make a game that actually needs that...)
As for the accident, yesterday I grabbed a friend, we went on the road, took well over 50 pictures of all the roads leading to the junctions and played around with the lights figuring out how they work. Assuming he was coming from the exact opposite direction, we would have both had a green light.
The interesting thing is that in bright daylight, the whole junction seems alot bigger... Where we collided seems quite "away" from the junction, and quite far (well, relatively far) down the road, this is especially true as there is an entrance to a bank on the left of where I picked his bike off the road, so I can judge the distances quite well... I took pictures of this too..
My fathers lawyer drew a blank, but I have one last card to play... My mother tutors people now and then, and one of her student's parent's is a lawyer... specialised in motoring accidents... I'll see if I can have a soothing chat with him, if not I'll just plead guilty and get it over with - I need a holiday and there is no way I'm spending my summer looking for a lawyer that can give me advice.
I'm also calling the courts to see if I can get some more info released, but in the meantime I have been told that I was DEFINETlY meant to receive a paper before the police left the scene with a summary, which I didn't get. Great - the only little bit of info I might have been able to understand, I didn't get.
As for me being a guy; yes its true. Hence, Michele, not Michelle (note the l's). No offence taken, I'm very used to it by now, so much so that friends call me by a nickname (its indian nickname you call little kids... like cutie or chubby... great huh? and NO there is no way I am telling you what it is, that ends with the friends I know now

) Anyways, back to Michele,
Michele (pronounced Mi-ke-le) is Italian for Micheal (I am half Italian)
Michelle on the other hand (Mi-che-elle) is not italian, and if feminine
Kinda like Andrea (another italian guys name)...
I'm going to head to google soon and figure out the differences between the two courts mentioned. As for non-professional advice, thats precisely what I was looking for

Something without all the legal mumbo-jumbo, kinda like a "driver-to-driver" thing... The legal jumbo, a lawyer can do that... But first I wanted to know a bit on the backgrounds of similar scenarios.
Tuesday I'm calling my insurance company and finding out what WOULD happen if I had 3/5 points on my licence and a driving without DCAA on it... That might also decide if I fight... If it doesn't get too much higher (I AM turning 21 in September, so it shoudl go down for that, maybe the two cancel each other out? unlikely huh?)I might just plead guilty to get it over with...
Oh and my advice to any students out there... Don't EVER tell your supervisor about insurance companies... tell the senior tutor if you need to, but not your personal supervisor. He will get a blue marker out and start drawing UML-ish diagrams showing how insurance companies in the UK and the US defeat the purpose of insurance and how they are not helping the "human insurance cause" but damaging it... (and all I wanted to know was how much more time I had to submit my thesis...)
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