MB Enthusiast
Sorry to really ruin everyones night but I thought this might just bring it home.
Since last thursday I know 4 people who have died, sad really and I've just been told my aunties just passed away too, not a good week.
The sadest part is about my freind who was driving along the A10 last Thursday night just coming towards Royston when some idiot decided he couldn't wait the extra 30 secs before it became safe to overtake and overtook on double lines just before the brow of a hill. He went smack straight into my freind's car instantly crushing him to death by the force of 2 cars travelling at a combined speed of over 100mph.
This happened because the **** in the other car needed to gain an extra cars length in a busy line of traffic, why ?
We all take risks but some people seem to just go a bit too far and by doing this he has left an 18month little girl and a 3 year old boy without a dad and a wife without her husband, just in the prime of his life.
And what becomes of the other driver, 6 months to two years inside if he's really unlucky and if he's got a really good breif maybe just a 2 year driving ban.
I'm sorry to depress everyone but next time you think about caryying out a bit of a dodgy move just think twice.
Since last thursday I know 4 people who have died, sad really and I've just been told my aunties just passed away too, not a good week.
The sadest part is about my freind who was driving along the A10 last Thursday night just coming towards Royston when some idiot decided he couldn't wait the extra 30 secs before it became safe to overtake and overtook on double lines just before the brow of a hill. He went smack straight into my freind's car instantly crushing him to death by the force of 2 cars travelling at a combined speed of over 100mph.
This happened because the **** in the other car needed to gain an extra cars length in a busy line of traffic, why ?
We all take risks but some people seem to just go a bit too far and by doing this he has left an 18month little girl and a 3 year old boy without a dad and a wife without her husband, just in the prime of his life.
And what becomes of the other driver, 6 months to two years inside if he's really unlucky and if he's got a really good breif maybe just a 2 year driving ban.
I'm sorry to depress everyone but next time you think about caryying out a bit of a dodgy move just think twice.