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Disposable vapes to be banned from June


Hardcore MB Enthusiast
May 10, 2006
Preston, Lancs
S204 C220CDi Sport ED125 (Mr) Kia Picanto Domino 1.1 (Mrs)
.... in England and NI with Wales to follow.

Who wants to set up a business with me? We will exchange cheaper booze for vapes in Scotland...... :banana::banana:

On a serious note, you think whomever came up with this would realise it will simply create an under-the-counter market
Ban them all.....disposable or not! One of my sons friends was in a coma for two months and will have issues for life due to vaping (his parents had no idea that he was). The image of him on life support is the one they use on the anti smoking/vaping talks that they give in school.. The oily stuff thats used to carry the vapour had coated his lungs and reduced there ability to absorb oxygen....until he collapsed into a coma at school. They are just as dangerous as ciggies.....just in a different way.

He had this...

Vaping-Related Lipoid Pneumonia​

Unlike the classic pneumonia caused by infection, lipoid pneumonia develops when fatty acids (the building blocks of fat) enter the lungs. Vaping-related lipoid pneumonia is the result of inhaling oily substances found in e-liquid, which sparks an inflammatory response in the lungs. Symptoms of lipoid pneumonia include:

  • Chronic cough
  • Shortness of breath
  • Coughing up blood or blood-tinged mucus
“There’s isn’t a good treatment for lipoid pneumonia, other than supportive care, while the lungs heal on their own,” says Broderick. “The single-most important thing you can do is identify what is causing it — in this case vaping — and eliminate it.”

Never understood why people would want to breathe in poisons or oil into their lung voluntarily........and yes I've never smoked. Pier pressure seems to be the starting point in most cases and then addiction takes over. There are always load of empty disposable ones near the school even though the school claim to have a zero tolerance towards them......but having seen what happened to his mate hopefully my son wont be that stupid.
.... in England and NI with Wales to follow.

Who wants to set up a business with me? We will exchange cheaper booze for vapes in Scotland...... :banana::banana:

On a serious note, you think whomever came up with this would realise it will simply create an under-the-counter market
Good Idea, I know of a Camper Van doing nothing that could come in Handy! :rolleyes: ;)
Ban them all.....disposable or not! One of my sons friends was in a coma for two months and will have issues for life due to vaping (his parents had no idea that he was). The image of him on life support is the one they use on the anti smoking/vaping talks that they give in school.. The oily stuff thats used to carry the vapour had coated his lungs and reduced there ability to absorb oxygen....until he collapsed into a coma at school. They are just as dangerous as ciggies.....just in a different way.

He had this...

Vaping-Related Lipoid Pneumonia​

Unlike the classic pneumonia caused by infection, lipoid pneumonia develops when fatty acids (the building blocks of fat) enter the lungs. Vaping-related lipoid pneumonia is the result of inhaling oily substances found in e-liquid, which sparks an inflammatory response in the lungs. Symptoms of lipoid pneumonia include:

  • Chronic cough
  • Shortness of breath
  • Coughing up blood or blood-tinged mucus
“There’s isn’t a good treatment for lipoid pneumonia, other than supportive care, while the lungs heal on their own,” says Broderick. “The single-most important thing you can do is identify what is causing it — in this case vaping — and eliminate it.”

Never understood why people would want to breathe in poisons or oil into their lung voluntarily........and yes I've never smoked. Pier pressure seems to be the starting point in most cases and then addiction takes over. There are always load of empty disposable ones near the school even though the school claim to have a zero tolerance towards them......but having seen what happened to his mate hopefully my son wont be that stupid.
I agree. At least ban the "flavours"
Ban them all.....disposable or not! One of my sons friends was in a coma for two months and will have issues for life due to vaping (his parents had no idea that he was). The image of him on life support is the one they use on the anti smoking/vaping talks that they give in school.. The oily stuff thats used to carry the vapour had coated his lungs and reduced there ability to absorb oxygen....until he collapsed into a coma at school. They are just as dangerous as ciggies.....just in a different way.
Why him and not me who has been vaping for nearly 15 years now? There has to be a reason beyond just the vape. Are youthful lungs more susceptible? Was he vaping counterfeits (there are some nasty counterfeits out there for sure)? Was it a particular flavour (the flavours are reckoned to be more harmful that the base fluids)?
His experience isn't the norm and vaping has helped many many people quit more damaging cigarettes.
Why him and not me who has been vaping for nearly 15 years now? There has to be a reason beyond just the vape. Are youthful lungs more susceptible? Was he vaping counterfeits (there are some nasty counterfeits out there for sure)? Was it a particular flavour (the flavours are reckoned to be more harmful that the base fluids)?
His experience isn't the norm and vaping has helped many many people quit more damaging cigarettes.
FFS, here we go again. My granny smoked all her life so cigarettes must be safe. I've regularly driven at over 100mph on public roads and survived, so speed limits should be increased. Vapes never did me any harm so there must be something wrong with the ones that cause damage.

Every time something is highlighted as being potentially dangerous, out come all the claims that they're perfectly safe because they haven't killed everyone. Every year loads of people are shot at, but only a small percentage die as a result. Ergo shooting at people is harmless!

The use of vapes, disposable and reusable, has shot up each of the last few years. They're still relatively new so we have absolutely no idea what the long-term effects are. When Wally Raleigh brought tobacco here from Virginia 450 years ago the majority of people said it was safe. James I declared his objections to tobacco but was shot down by all those who claimed not to be harmed by it. Look where that got us.

Yes, vapes have proved to help people stop smoking - by taking them off one habit and onto another habit. If they're regarded as harmless, more and more children will fall foul of peer pressure to take them up. At what cost to their lungs (and brains?) in years to come? Why should we risk it?
FFS, here we go again. My granny smoked all her life so cigarettes must be safe. I've regularly driven at over 100mph on public roads and survived, so speed limits should be increased. Vapes never did me any harm so there must be something wrong with the ones that cause damage.
Wind your neck in and read what I posted. I'm asking questions to gain knowledge. You should try it some time.
On a serious note, you think whomever came up with this would realise it will simply create an under-the-counter market
The ridiculous part is that it's only the sale of disposable vapes that's to be banned. It'll remain legal to import them!
Wind your neck in and read what I posted. I'm asking questions to gain knowledge. You should try it some time.
There has to be a reason beyond just the vape.
I was challenging your assertion that there must be some other reason for the reported health issues, because you had vaped for years without any problems. Instead of telling me to wind my neck in, perhaps you should try reading what I posted.

After your 15 years of use, perhaps vaping has resulted in: "First, it can act as a stimulant and lead to elevated emotions, trouble concentrating, and decreased judgment."
I was challenging your assertion that there must be some other reason for the reported health issues, because you had vaped for years without any problems. Instead of telling me to wind my neck in, perhaps you should try reading what I posted.
Two of my three questions related specifically to the vape products. Nowhere did I say they were safe just because I hadn't encountered problems - yet. I'm asking as a vaper to establish what risk I may be at.
Read this:
It's a start. TV soaps I have seen on the TV, many disposal types of vapes are clearly aimed at children. IMO, this should have been banned a long time ago and no need to wait until June
Knowing what we know now why anyone would inhale anything apart from the ambient air is beyond me.

When i see kids puffing on these Vape thingies it makes me genuinely concerned for their future health and further addictions.

Vaping was a good thing where it persuaded smokers to switch to a less harmful version of ‘smoking’ - the issue arises where kids picked up the habit because it’s ‘cool’ when they’d probably have never picked up a cigarette..
One good idea from the government but not taken far enough IMO. They need a total ban, although I realise they'll just be illegally sold just like weed and counterfeit fags. And why wait until next June? Our winter fuel allowance was removed overnight!
You don't need to switch to vapes to quit smoking.
They are a just as dangerous alternative IMO.
Leaving the psychological harm aside, nobody has published (to my knowledge) what the really long term damage is using these vile things.
If you really want to quit, try cold turkey.
If I can do it, and I'm weak willed, anyone can.
Went from a 20 a day small cigar smoker to a non smoker overnight 11 years ago.
It really is easy if you are determined enough.
It really is easy if you are determined enough.

^ This , packed in the ciggies 28 years ago when the wife found out she was expecting , coupled with a new job for me where smoking was forbidden it was the right thing to do.


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