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Disposable vapes to be banned from June

^ Ever worked out roughly what you have saved by quitting Kenny?

I worked out I'd set fire to over £50k whilst I smoked:wallbash:
Latest from 'The Times':

However, the non–profit group Material Focus fears that a new generation of products that are ostensibly reusable, but barely more expensive than disposables, will be treated by consumers like single-use e-cigarettes and therefore disposed of irresponsibly. It said models marketed as “rechargeables”, “pod” and a brand called Big Puff could get around potential regulations.

“These new vapes, which are already widely available in the UK, can be re-charged and therefore could have a long life span,” said Scott Butler, the executive director of Material Focus.

“However they are ‘per puff’ on a similar price point to single-use models, a large proportion are marketed as disposable, and consumers are now used to the throwaway culture embedded with single-use vapes.

“‘Big Puff’ could lead to the same big environmental challenges as single-use vapes’.
Vaping was a good thing where it persuaded smokers to switch to a less harmful version of ‘smoking’ - the issue arises where kids picked up the habit because it’s ‘cool’ when they’d probably have never picked up a cigarette..

As a non-smoker, I did not and do not keep a close on the Vape story.
However, in recent months it's been in the media quite a bit. The story goes that
vape producers wittingly added sweet aromas and dressed up vapes to make them more attractive to
children, especially the disposable types.

I have to give some credit to this load of bollox government for taking this step to ban the crap
but why wait until June 2020, why not January 2024?

From what I've heard, Vapes may have saved some lives but only time will tell. time will tell.

Spmme manufacturer's target group leaves a lot to be desired.

The only thing in favour of these Vapes from my perspective is they don't smell like
fox shit. I don't know what some people are smoking these days but the stench travels
and it is hard to breathe. I'm also all for banning smoking in all public places, why should non-smokers suffer.
The young lad's symptoms are quite probably related to the size of vape as much as the vape itself. There seems to be a trend among "the youth" to toke on some souped up oboe that produces a cloud akin to Victorian Manchester at full smelt. If it's putting that much into the air, how much more is it throwing into their lungs?

You pass through it half an hour later and suddenly have this craving for jam doughnuts you can't explain.
^ Ever worked out roughly what you have saved by quitting Kenny?

I worked out I'd set fire to over £50k whilst I smoked:wallbash:

When we had our first flat in the `90`s the wife and both smoked and our monthly fag bill was more than the mortgage - seriously and utter madness not to mention the cars i could have bought with the nicotine note.

Used to thumb through Max Power wishing i could afford to buy a new set of alloys for the Sierra GLSi whilst lighting up another cigarette , never for once did i put two + two together.

Worked with a guy in RR who was a 60 a day chain-smoker , if he is still around then thats now a £1500 per month habit , either the cigs or a new 911 lease deal :eek:

Wife eventually packet them in , via cold turkey , four years ago.

Surely disposable vapes should be banned for there environmental impact alone. Don't they all contain a throw away lithium ion battery?
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Surely disposable vapes should be banned for their environmental impact alone. Don't they all contain a throw away lithium ion battery?

Yes , and dont forget about the plastics + packaging that is also getting washed down the drains.

Why him and not me who has been vaping for nearly 15 years now? There has to be a reason beyond just the vape. Are youthful lungs more susceptible? Was he vaping counterfeits (there are some nasty counterfeits out there for sure)? Was it a particular flavour (the flavours are reckoned to be more harmful that the base fluids)?
His experience isn't the norm and vaping has helped many many people quit more damaging cigarettes.
It happens often enough that they use is pics in school talks about how raping can kill you with the wrong set of circumstances.

Why did my mate die of fag's at 45....yet my grandad made it to 85 before the lung cancer got him.... luck ? Dna?.... who knows. But I don't think you need many braincells to realise that breathing is a done oil vapour to your lungs is going to harm you long term. According to my two minute Google survey most scientists thing that tapes are not better for you than smoking... and some claim worse.....but they have not been around long enough to determine how bad they will be in long term use. Common sense will tell you that any future results won't be good news! If nicotine/cogarettes were discovered tomorrow instead of all those years back it would be banned as a class A drug not only would they be illegal for human use, they would also be illegal for use as an insecticide!
I equate vapes with weight loss drugs. They're both possible ways to overcome a problem, but at the same time carry inherent risks. When the problem is serious, then the risks may be worth it. But what we're seeing is people with lesser or no fundamental problems unnecessarily exposing themselves to the same risks - why?

Why carry on using potentially dangerous vapes after having overcome a tobacco addiction?
Why start using potentially dangerous vapes when you don't even smoke?
Why take weight loss drugs with many possible side effects when you're not obese or living with type 2 diabetes?

I know that there are risks associated with covid and flu injections, but I still receive them because the risks associated with covid and flu themselves are greater. I certainly wouldn't have the injections if there wasn't a need to protect myself from far worse. But many people still vape and take weight loss drugs when there's no need.

I suppose it's for the same reason that I've jumped out of perfectly serviceable aircraft at several thousand feet with no more than a few metres of packed nylon to reduce my chances of getting killed. I didn't have to but I wanted to. As my dear old mum used to say: "There's nowt so strange as folk!"

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