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Disposable vapes to be banned from June

But you are still addicted to nicotine...
Guilty as charged.
just with a different cocktail of other poisons than tobacco has.
The jury is out on just how toxic. I buy from reputable vendors and have recently shifted to flavour free as flavouring is where the chemicals are. For sure I feel better for quitting combustible nicotine. What I'm weighing up is whether to eliminate/reduce vaping - hence my questions.
Lots of cash saved though I would think.
One good idea from the government but not taken far enough IMO. They need a total ban, although I realise they'll just be illegally sold just like weed and counterfeit fags. And why wait until next June? Our winter fuel allowance was removed overnight!
You don't need to switch to vapes to quit smoking.
They are a just as dangerous alternative IMO.
Leaving the psychological harm aside, nobody has published (to my knowledge) what the really long term damage is using these vile things.
If you really want to quit, try cold turkey.
If I can do it, and I'm weak willed, anyone can.
Went from a 20 a day small cigar smoker to a non smoker overnight 11 years ago.
It really is easy if you are determined enough.
I started smoking at 12 in 1958 and gave up, cold turkey, in 2009 when I was smoking 60/day Marlboro. If I could do it then anyone can.
Btw, the reason that I gave up was that I realised that I could not feed the habit after retirement.
I quit drinking alcohol a while back. The part of that I'm proudest of is that I didn't become someone who believes and expects that everyone else should.
I believe that everyone should give up smoking but do not expect them to.
At current prices in the UK (£17 for 20 B&H Gold), a ‘pack-a-day’ smoking habit is just over £6k/year. :oops:

I quit overnight from smoking 20 a day (£0.70 for 20) in 1979 and haven’t smoked since. Saving a fiver a week over the first six months, bought my first Pentax ME Super which was a motivator. Having stopped for six months, I’d managed down the craving for a nicotine hit.

Seems to me that vaping, whilst an arguably useful tool to get smokers off cigarettes*, becomes another habit that is hard to break.

*in my view, the most important and effective tool for quitting smoking, is a self determined decision to quit. Without that, patches, chewing gum, vapes, just kick the can down the road and are unsuccessful.
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The only thing in favour of these Vapes from my perspective is they don't smell like
fox shit.
Thank heavens for that.

Otherwise you'd never get it off the Labrador.

She just LOVES that stuff.

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Question, disposable vapes are made of plastic? If so, single use plastics I thought was banned in 2023.

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