This is an interesting post and if you go back about two weeks ago on the engine section a fellow member called Nick who was asking for help with a belching blue/ white smoking Sprinter.
Feeling sorry for him I gave the guy several calls to your side and we established that the shop he was taking to was fudging the job it seemed and they did not have the proper diagnostic equipment or skills possibly to fix it properly. Now after a trip to a Benz dealer it's working at an additional cost after dumping a lot of coins on the first shop!.
So backing up and reading the helpful suggestions & diatribe I have read on this post here it's a typical scenario I see at my shop on this side.
There are a few exceptions which may or may not surprise you.
Many members of the motoring public consider mechanics /techs and shop owners like me as a total bunch of rip off merchants, mostly due to the charge out rates and the frustration of not being able to DIY fix modern vehicles especially things like MB's. Landrovers and BMW's! So it's a source of antagonisms and frustrations; and yes I have fired customers for verbal abuse even called the local fuzz to eject threatening individuals.
Now on my side it's is illegal for me as a professional in the business to tamper with federally prescribed emission devices. Penalty is $10,000 fine for the first offense and a shop near mine recently was visited by a group of Feds all 800 lb like Gubbermint Gorillas for making a killing out of deleting emissions equipment. The fine in front of the man in the black robe was $360,000! (no wigs on this side)

They had to sell the shop to pay for the fine and legal expenses. UGLY!
Now deleting MB programs in an experimental fashion is always a crap shoot and often made worse if you don't have a factory style scanner to read live data.
As an example one re-prog'd/Cat DPF deleted Sprinter recently with a cutting out issue was all down to the max fuel pressure was going sky high and shutting down the rig as a system protection device. I refused to fix it as i could easily implicated in a possible tampering scenario!
Its unclear from the OP post if the vehicle (Vito ) has a system with or without Adblue.
Of course both units have a differential pressure sensor that MUST give the right back pressure and correlate with the EBP. With the Adblue systems it's the Nox sensors across the SCR Cat the SCN coding, initialization and ability to see at least a 70 % NOx drop across the cat.
If you can't get that right then who is laughing N2O2 style! (because within 80 to 240 miles it will drop into a limp mode.) Might seem like pulling teeth at the dentist who is using N202 as well!
As total mess it seems but it begs the question why not fix it right and be done with it.
Is this money thing?
Tuercas viejas