Return to an era where sex was safe and motor racing was dangerous perhaps? If only that were possible.RECORDS exist only to be broken surely? Not sure anyone can realistically compare drivers from different eras driving different cars. The real heroes in some ways are those that raced in an era where if you crashed heavily death was pretty much a certainty. In terms of "building/accumulating" a record of race/championship wins perhaps the odds of surviving long enough to do so were against drivers in those days. Jim Clark might have done it- if he had survived, likewise Ayrton Senna, Jackie Stewart might have done it had he not retired, Nicky Lauda without his horrific burns, one could speculate till the cows come home. Perhaps the mark of a F1 Champion back then was to win a few races and survive to tell the tale!
Comparing different eras of any sport is fraught with all sorts of issues, where in the end one is comparing apples with oranges.
Take tennis for example. Folks go on about how great Fred Perry or Rod Laver where. Yes in their era they were amazing. At his best Andy Murray would have blown either of them away, and pretty much any of the current top ten players would do the same. The game and players have changed.
F1 is so different now than it was in the Jackie Stewart, Lauda era. More races in a season, so more opportunities to get a pole position, a race win, a fastest lap and so on. Cars massively more complex mechanically and aerodynamically, with huge grip that would have been unthinkable in the 70's. Classic circuits that presented high risk to driver mortailty have been neutered or new ones are so contrived that they are like big karting tracks. Pit crews that train and know what is happening in the car every millisecond and can talk to the driver whenever they like versus a couple of stopwatches operated by the missus and a fleeting glance at pitboard. Every success, mistake or failure analysed in super dooper slow mo on screens the size of a house distributed all around the circuit. Corporate and personal liability lawyers lurking behind every incident, compared to a 'sh!t happens' sentiment when something goes wrong. Big corporate funding from global companies that care more about their public image than they do about the motorsport they are 'sponsoring'. Drivers (with one notable exception) that are so schooled in media speak that they are unable to say what they think or behave how they like. How would James Hunt have got on in today's snowflake social media corporate b*ll*cks era? (The motorsport world got somewhat duller the day we lost James).
Losing free to air live F1 coverage is a travesty, as was free to air live test cricket, football, world championship boxing, golf (OK there's still a bit of coverage). I'd like to see that change, but I honestly can't see it happening. Far too many millionaire sports folk to pay.