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First Post, First problem!


New Member
Sep 26, 2007
1975 w115 230.4

Being new to the world of Mercedes I hope someone can give me a few pointers.

I recently bought a '75 230.4 that has now got a cylinder head gasket problem - oil in coolant, white smoke out exhaust. As the car is not really worth anything I am going to attempt the repair myself:eek: .

Anyone got any tips or experience on this job?


Hello and welcome to the forum, the 123 is easier to work on, there are loads of post and threads on this subject that tell you all of the pit falls and things to watch out for.

Once you start if you need any assistance you only have to ask, there are many members here that will answer
Your car has the old 115 engine in it. Its a very nice, simple engine to work on. Shame they don't build them like that any more !!!!!
Thanks all for the replies,

I really enjoyed driving the car before it broke so feel the need to get it moving again - also feel a bit daft that I broke it so quickly:(

It's good to know I won't be on my own on this one! The PO gave me a cd thing with the workshop manual on so have read through and ordered the tools required. Unfortunately the car is outside a friends house and I don't want to drive it home for fear of damaging anything, so it will be a street repair:crazy:.

Next question is would a genuine MB part be best or are aftermarket parts the same just rebranded?

Why not drain the oil, the buy some cheap oil, put it in, leave the radiator cap off or loose, then drive it home.

You basically need a de coke set so GSF or Euro will do nicely
I would always use a MERCEDES cylinder head gasket ---the other bits not so important. Make sure the head isn't warped / corroded before refitting it. you may need to get it skimmed at an engineering shop.
I parked the car up as it was down on power and there is a real mess in the coolant. I'm a bit paranoid about doing any more damage than is already done - I'm fairly sure it didn't overheat so hoping to get away without head skim but I'II only know when it is stripped down. I ordered a set from eurocar parts last week but they have gone very quiet - no idea when it'll arrive so have got a gen MB part coming in next week from the dealer.

Is it as simple as putting a straight edge on the diagonals to see if the head is warped, or is that too simple?

I've put a piccy up on discussion so you can see the offending motor!

Thanks for your help
I think that the guy that sold you the car knew that there was a problem. but the pictures show the car to be in good shape, there is also the possibilities of the value increasing on this type of car

No you cant put a straight edge on the faces, they have to be clocked
I think that the guy that sold you the car knew that there was a problem. but the pictures show the car to be in good shape, there is also the possibilities of the value increasing on this type of car

No you cant put a straight edge on the faces, they have to be clocked

If the head is off and you have a friend with a Mill , then you can run a DTI across the head and get some idea how bad it is.
Television - can't get the link to work:(

Sounds like I have two options

1) take head off, clean head up and then refit with new head gasket and hope it works!

2) take head off, get head checked/necessary work done and refit.

If I do option 2, does anyone know where in Bristol I can get the head checked out and work done?

More questions! What does having the head skimmed involve? Presumably you have to strip it all down and then re-assemble after.

Thanks again
(bit out of my depth now)

Television - can't get the link to work:(

Sounds like I have two options

1) take head off, clean head up and then refit with new head gasket and hope it works!

2) take head off, get head checked/necessary work done and refit.

If I do option 2, does anyone know where in Bristol I can get the head checked out and work done?

More questions! What does having the head skimmed involve? Presumably you have to strip it all down and then re-assemble after.

Thanks again
(bit out of my depth now)

You have some choices here, you can take all of the valves out and any studs on top to have it skimmed of you could give someone the complete head and they will machine lap the valves and check.

We will find someone near you, that I am sure
Ooops - link works for me now!

That's brilliant, very usefull, Thanks.

Are the number in the second column the Mercedes part numbers?
Ooops - link works for me now!

That's brilliant, very usefull, Thanks.

Are the number in the second column the Mercedes part numbers?

They are but many have changed now.

Re the link the one I gave you is for the 123000, they are the first 6 VIN numbers, if your VIN does not start with those, please give me the correct ones 123---
Thanks Malcolm ( just spotted your name!)

Off to work for me, just had the morning off whilst new kitchen delivered.

Back tracking slightly,

Why not drain the oil, the buy some cheap oil, put it in, leave the radiator cap off or loose, then drive it home.

There is about five miles between where the car is and where I live. Before I parked the car up it seemed to be running on 3 cylinders, I reckoned that the compression had gone due to the gasket failing. I was very conscious of the temp guage and would have stopped if it rose too high.

If I take the same approach would it be safe-ish (damage wise)to drive the five miles? Just your opinions......

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