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Had the car remapped and now have problems

But if the problem has been caused by a third party software then I do not see why it is the responsibility of dealer to sort out such a problem?

We are not, it seems, talking about a piece of faulty MB software needing updating but a map that has been supplied to increase performance over and above the manufacturers standard settings?

Quite true, but you miss the point. The dealer would not be asked to resolve a problem, but simply to install the latest software update. What does it matter what version, OE or otherwise, is being updated?

On your other point, I know people who would pay good money to have their pants pulled down and be given a good seeing-to; fixing the car would be a bonus....
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With respect I am not missing the point, the dealer is still being asked to carry out work that may not be required at this point to cover up a failing of someone else and even if there is a software update available then the dealer is not being given the facts so there is still a deception.
The dealer will charge for the software upgrade and having noted the non-standard software, will alert MBUK so any engine warranty work will come under scrutiny.

My guess says the ECU is over-fuelling or over-boosting causing high boost and/or EGT so the power is then cut back due to save the engine, at which point normal service is resumed.
I would insist on a refund and also get them to cover your costs if they insist on you going up to them. Failing that you should send them a harsh letter from a solicitor. That usually works.

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