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Has UK enough generating power for electric cars , heat pumps and all other requirements

I assume Chinas expansion in renewables is to create the illusion of the PRC in some way offsetting their ever expanding domestic coal industry. Sky's climate reporter oddly fails to mention that China has built 35 new airports in 2022 and plans to open 8 new airports every year for the forseeable future. Jet A-1 is a fossil fuel as far as i am aware. Not much of a turning point after all then. China continues to flourish while we are told to wear a hair shirt to avert something called climate change.

Isn't the point that we'd all be completely stuffed if the second biggest country in the world had pulled its population out of rice paddy fields and bicycles and put them into a way of life based on American style CO2 production?

Not forgetting, of course, that the Chinese produce half as much CO2 as the Americans only because the West has off-shored all its manufacturing to China.

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