I went through the pain threshold with this over the weekend, now i don;t know if the facelift C has smaller speaker grilles and apertures on the back shelf or what, but it necessitated removing the carpeted shelf to get the speakers out
This required removal of the back seat squab and backrest, the foldy headrests, the C-pillar linings (utter b**ta*d), three evil panel pins, and then the shelf. The speakers unclipped by squeezing the tabs through the slots from the underside in the boot.
I bought some adaptors from autoleads to fit 6,5" speakers. The tabs on these needed fettling with a stanley knife to pass through the slots on the bodywork.
hmm, ten minute job took 2 hours, but well worth it for the improvement. Got a whole lot more to do to get my two amps wired up, and a set of components in the front doors/dash...