I think there are a couple of cops / ex-cops on here... wonder what their stance is on the OP's issue...
That's what I mean - it's a mixed bag!
I am good friends with a cop and I could never say he was lazy... last time I spoke to him about their priorities, he said they just don't have enough of them to investigate everything despite being frustrating as that is what he joined the force to do.
I can’t help but wonder if it’s a regional thing as I’ve never known the police to decline to help with anything ; last thing was a few weeks back when I called 111 to report a stray dog on the A737 which was causing traffic to stop and at risk of being knocked down as well as potentially causing a crash . I got a call back 5 mins later asking for further details from another operator and confirming a car was on its way .
That's what I mean - it's a mixed bag!
I am good friends with a cop and I could never say he was lazy... last time I spoke to him about their priorities, he said they just don't have enough of them to investigate everything despite being frustrating as that is what he joined the force to do.