how much are brake discs worth scrap?!

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Active Member
Mar 11, 2020
bubble car
took a pair of old ones off that had had it.... w203 330m vented ones, gone from my drive the next morning ha
If you have an account with a scrap dealer weigh them in , you will soon know. I have an account but can't be bothered to drive to the scrappy so next time the 'travellers' (who live in a brick built house alongside a few caravans a few miles away) drive past collecting They can have the 2 old rear discs I have off the wife's ancient Zafira for nothing.
well i cant weigh them in can i somones had em.. just wondering how much they were woth
A couple of quid at best. Prices for light iron are pretty low at the moment, to the point that some yards aren't even bothering with it.
Not worth the hassle, will probably cost you more to take it somewhere and get it weighed lol.

I always do the same as the OP, leave them out front and they are gone in a day.
I always do the same as the OP, leave them out front and they are gone in a day.
I did some work with an office fit out company a few years back and they used to joke about leaving redundant materials and kit out "for the Wombles" to remove.

They never used to do it though, because it's a bit like leaving food scraps out for the wildlife: those who take them keep coming back, and if you haven't left anything out for them they tend to help themselves to things you would have preferred to keep.
'Leaving stuff out' can be a nightmare depending on where you live . I live in an area that has very few 'social problems' but one day a number of years back I awoke to see a bloody great CRT TV just sitting in the middle of the road , Huge it was.

Local bobbies (remember them) had no reports of recent burglaries . Turns out a bloke down the road had bought a new TV an put this monster outside with a 'free to anyone' note on it and whoever (had to be 2 of them !) got fed up of carrying the brute home and must have just put it down in the road before it gave them a hernia ! :p.
There are people who are on the look out for scrap,skips in peoples driveways are a target,on their own those disc's are not worth much but along with all the other stuff over weeks they collect makes it worthwhile for somebody.
We have a transit pickup comes around every couple of weeks, shouting out for any scrap! They are based in the local travellers site as far as my neighbours are aware , everybody uses them. They will take just about anything metallic ,we just leave stuff inside the front gates and await the call as they drive around.
Last week they came up the 30 steps to the front door to ask if the washing machine in the carport ( about 5 paces in from the gates ) was for scrap . Yes I said and then watched the driver pick it up unaided and load it onto his truck , his ‘ mate ‘ was his 7-8 year old daughter 😱
We have a transit pickup comes around every couple of weeks, shouting out for any scrap! They are based in the local travellers site as far as my neighbours are aware , everybody uses them.
Just a note of caution about people picking up scrap:

The disposal of some items is now a regulated activity, meaning that whoever does it has to be licenced. If they are not licenced, especially if they fly-tip whatever they collected, you as the source of the item can and will be held liable for improper disposal. Be careful...
If it's metal it will be weighed in by them , but you are 100% correct with being careful who you pay to 'dispose' of stuff.

I mentioned on here a while back my neighbour had her old kitchen 'disposed of' the guy's in the tipper transit were back (empty) for the next load waaay to quickly to have driven to any recognised recycling site nearby.

It was 100% fly tipped. :(
I did some work with an office fit out company a few years back and they used to joke about leaving redundant materials and kit out "for the Wombles" to remove.

They never used to do it though, because it's a bit like leaving food scraps out for the wildlife: those who take them keep coming back, and if you haven't left anything out for them they tend to help themselves to things you would have preferred to keep.
I agree with what you say in principle, although we have space at the side of the house where when the local guy passes he usually looks. There is the same guy that goes around looking for scrap metal and we only put scrap metal there. The only other thing there is the wheelie bins.

I did have some stuff in the garage once and called a scrap collector to take it. His beady eyes scanned the garage and a set of alloys caught his view. He said I can take those as well to which I said thanks but no thanks, just the stuff I have ready for you. Garage has a steel roller shutter so he's not getting in there without cutting it out!
If you have an account with a scrap dealer weigh them in , you will soon know. I have an account

Do you need an account to weigh stuff in these days ?

I have 40kg of brass in the garage that I was going to take in sometime
Often wonder how the transit crew cover the fuel, i save my copper,brass and lead from bathroom fitting all year and its not mega bucks.
Do you need an account to weigh stuff in these days ?

I have 40kg of brass in the garage that I was going to take in sometime
Yes , normally . 'Proper' scrap dealer will not deal in cash . You create an account with them and they pay the money into your bank.

But it might be the case that if you have all of the lead off a church roof and the bronze memorial plaques from the graveyard to go with it they might turn a blind eye.

Up to you.
Often wonder how the transit crew cover the fuel, i save my copper,brass and lead from bathroom fitting all year and its not mega bucks.

I've no idea. But someone stripped a shitload of brand new lead from one of the houses I was doing up and a load of brand new copper from the next one. I'd imagine they'd have the right kind of vehicle to transport that kind of stuff.....
Just a note of caution about people picking up scrap:

The disposal of some items is now a regulated activity, meaning that whoever does it has to be licenced. If they are not licenced, especially if they fly-tip whatever they collected, you as the source of the item can and will be held liable for improper disposal. Be careful...
Amazingly they are licensed and only take metal ( or items containing metals ) they will not however touch fridges or freezers due to the refrigerants.

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