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I hate depression


MB Enthusiast
Sep 5, 2005
By the southern sea
E320CDi Estate - gone E320CDi Saloon - written off CLS 350CDi Coupé
Having had a reasonable couple of months, my depression and anxiety problems are starting to become more prominent. Today, I didn't even make it to work before my lacrimal excretions had started rolling down my face. By the time I'd arrived, I was a mess once more.

One thing is for sure with depression, it's a tough enemy and a long fight. :(
Having had a reasonable couple of months, my depression and anxiety problems are starting to become more prominent. Today, I didn't even make it to work before my lacrimal excretions had started rolling down my face. By the time I'd arrived, I was a mess once more.

One thing is for sure with depression, it's a tough enemy and a long fight. :(

Yes it is.

You need to find what makes it better for you. Little things. There's always something. A certain positive thought? Particular activity? Time spent with a friend of family member? That sort of thing.

It may not be a cure as such, but it could tip it back from unbearable to manageable (just about will suffice....).
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The thing that has helped lately is building moew decking. I find it provides a sense of calm and satisfaction as I see things progress and get to use some of my tool collection.
What to say? Just there is a lot of us out there who suffer with complete and absolute utter **** of a condition.

Nothing I can say or do will help lift your current mindset. It looks like you have found a very construction "out" with that decking.

Best wishes for a positive day today, well some of it anyway it cannot and will not be roses every day.

I understand how you feel Chris. Try not to over analyse the bad days, you are at a hightened state atm and everything seems 100 times worse than normal. Always easy to say but not always easy to do when you feel low, but like others have said, give yourself little things to look forward to, to aim for. You know were I am :)
As previous posters have said focus on something you enjoy, understand the challenge both personally and from my sibling. What comes after the decking?
The thing that has helped lately is building moew decking. I find it provides a sense of calm and satisfaction as I see things progress and get to use some of my tool collection.

I can totally relate to that Chris. Anything achieved is a positive and vastly improves your mindset. On days where you can do nothing the feeling snowballs. On bad days keep telling yourself that good days are to follow.

Take care my man. :thumb:
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I was going to say,

make things,
look after a living thing or two, plant, pet, goldfish etc,
walk around the block three times a week - even if it's just to see the progress on the house or whatever is going on a few streets over,
think what someone close to you would like and get on with it,
stay away from drugs and booze,
have a banana, apple, pear or orange a day - maybe two,
read a book!

That ought to do it. :)
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Keep positive mate!
Start a thread about how you enjoy those YouTube vids of groups of AMG owners revving/racing around city streets.

That should keep you entertained for a while, taking your mind off stuff :thumb:
Have never suffered from it, but a few things that I find strangely exciting and do lift my mood sometimes (I can be a right stressy miserable git sometimes)

Models (plastic and metal kind! Although I'm sure female models would help ;) )
~ anything from Warhammer, Airfix, RC cars, 00 guage train sets etc

Playing guitar
~ some decent start kits going, I know Fender/Squire have a respectable starter kit for circa £240

Building things and seeing how they progress, which you've mentioned

~ even if it's not from scratch (I can't draw from scratch, but can mimic anything) wether it be people, buildings, even building plans maybe

Computer design
~ Photoshop, a sneaky version can be had on most software pages. Watch some YouTube tutorials and do some editing. I actually hate doing this but I get paid for it, end product is great but dealing with picky clients isn't.
~ Cinema 4D, also creates some cool stuff
Forgot to mention, with guitar there are some fair apps out there to learn with. I learnt by ear and then by tab, I can't read music. Yousician is a good app, some think it's pricey but it's worth it. Scores your lessons and ability etc
Sorry but I can not give you any advice having never really suffered with such a debilitating and cruel illness, I hope some of the kind words and advice from the other posts helps you matey.
All I can say is try to keep your chin up, my apologies if you have heard this more than you care to remember but not sure what to say other than that Pal
My mother RIP always told me you have to have the bad days so you'll appreciate the good ones

Borrow a dog, found it great therapy taking for walks etc....
More importantly, take things steady, keep yourself moderately active and

be kind to yourself.....
And talking about it helps too.
It is refreshing to see the support here from people you may have never met.

Just letting us know that you have had a s**t day instead of the usual, "Yes I am fine thanks" is just a little bit of that overbearing weight lifted.

I too have suffered from this insidious condition.

Tomorrow when you stand in front of the mirror to shave, smile at your reflection, tell yourself you're going to have a good day, sounds silly I know, but you may surprise yourself , it will help. Try it and see. :thumb:
Visualization & Programming; Schumacher used to do that right before a start. He'd shut his eyes and imagine how the start would be for him.

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