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Idle problem, 190E 2.5 16v


Active Member
Dec 29, 2007
Wirral, Merseyside
320CLK 98 W208, MK1 Fiesta XR2 Fly (Convertible)

A friend has a very nice Merc 190E 2.5 16v (I think its a Cosworth but it does not have a Cosworth badge on the back).
The problem is when the car has warmed up its starts to stall when stationary, ie at the lights.
The revs will drop to around 500rpm and struggle around there for a few seconds and then the engine will stop. He says it doesn't seem to do it when cold.

He has had it looked at by five mechanics (including two Merc specialists) and no one can seem to pinpoint what is wrong.

The car was stood for a few years before he bought it, but he has had all the plugs, points(if it has them), leads, battery, Oil changed etc changed. He has even but a load of Redex through to see if that will clear it.

Does anyone have any suggestions or ideas

It could be so many things its difficult to say. Might be mixture, might be idle control, might be ignition. :confused: A trawl thro the technical section of this forum might help- lots of knowledgeable 2.5-16v owners on there. http://www.mercedes190.co.uk/
My mechanic always set my 2.5-16 to run rich, might be worth a try if everything else fails.
Classic vacuum problem, check with a vacuum gauge or spray carb cleaner round all the joints.
Some good suggestions so far :)

Jonathon, do you know the mileage/history of this car?

Is it manual or automatic?

Do you know what the mechanics/specialists have already checked?

When were the valve clearances last checked/set? Have you taken any compression readings?

Thanks for all the information, I'll pass it on.

Just to fill in a few blanks, the car is owned by my father's neighbour. He bought it for about £600 (I think). The car in manual in black with a black leather and red check interior. Its in very good condition considering its age but I wouldn't describe it as mint. before he got it it had been parked up for about 5 years and although sound needed a bit of recommissioning.

I don't know what the mechanics have done or checked but I know its costing him money and its not being fixed and he may be at the point where he wants to get shut and buy a CLK.

Once again thanks or the info

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