This is all very well, but how often has this happened where it has contributed to an accident? As opposed say to a wasp flying into the car (should we make open windows illegal, or better still wasps) or a child screaming in the back seat because his brother has poked him in the eye (yep, make children illegal, I'm all for that
) or picking your nose and getting a sudden nosebleed.... (not that I would ever
). I smoked for a goodly number of years (thankfully not for the past 20!) and don't recall any occasion where the tip dropped into my lap, or indeed inside the car.
Though I'm now militantly anti smoking, I'm beginning to feel sorry for smokers, it's the big stick all the time, no carrot whatsoever. I also recognise the fact that the government has to let people be adults, though this seems to be beyond the present lot. I gave up smoking as it was bad for me, put on weight as one does and was told by the doctor he'd rather have me fat than smoking. Now I'm told that obesity is a greater risk to the country than smoking and terrorism put together. Beware, next it will be illegal to drive while obese, then drive while thinking of other things (thought monitors are just around the corner). As the bigots deal with one thing, they need to have something else to move onto and before you know it, we're all affected!