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Interesting article about online comments

The comments on some sites which showed the guy keying the AM were...disgusting, in many ways worse than what the guy had done.

No matter how innocuous the video, the comments are often full of bile.

Many videos now have the comment sections closed.
The internet. A place where anonymity is possible more than in any other aspect of life. A place where you can be whoever or whatever you want. So why do so many choose to be total ****holes?
We see it on here. Do we not?

People who in the face of the blatantly obvious who look for the most obscure, divergent argument for no other reason than to cause a disagreement. They then argue that they are being shouted down or "trolled". I have seen countless interesting threads simply dwindle away after one post that argues for the sake of agrument a point that is laughable.

In my local paper the usual closed comments (more & more common now) are where you read the article that states - blah blah. hit 86 year old Margaret over the head as he was high on drugs at the time. This will then be defended by "family & friends "who will say well he is a really nice guy and Margaret should not have been out at night. Or Margaret should have locked her front door.

Basically everybody is at fault apart from the attacker. This usually ends up (as on here) with childlike threats of supposed violence (Angry AMG's in London thread)
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The comments on some sites which showed the guy keying the AM were...disgusting, in many ways worse than what the guy had done.

No matter how innocuous the video, the comments are often full of bile.

Many videos now have the comment sections closed.

I noted in the article that journalists do quite like the aspect of reader involvement/feedback but it's got to the point now where it's a full time job just moderating the comments section.
moonloops said:
No comment :D

That is so wrong of you to say that. I disagree completely with everything you haven't said.
Freedom of speech vs blatant bullying?

We've had comments posted on vids that are horrible, and whilst you can delete and block, you've already read it and the damage has been done.

Also, where there's the ability to click "like" - FB for example, some people comment in the most base way possible in an attempt to attract them.

While some of the stuff is appalling contrast IRAN or CHINA where there is no face book , twitter or Youtube---- and there's a reason for that. Remember that if you want to discredit a medium or suppress discussion ----one way to do this effectively is to try to make it unreadable. There's quite possibly a department in "Spy Central " called the
Sh*t Stirrers Anonymous who sole job is to make certain discussions so unreadable people mentally switch off--- Job done--- the nation saved from mental trauma and possibly the truth. :dk:
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